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About us - who are we and what do we do

Microeconomics group, Department of Business and Economics, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark

Rafael Treibich, Associate Professor and Head of Research Group

Christian Kronborg, Associate Professor, Associate Head of Department, Head of Studies 
Birgitte Sloth, Professor MSO
Peter Sudhölter, Associate Professor
Ryan Tierney, Assistant Professor
Huanren Zhang, Assistant Professor

Terkel Christiansen, Professor Emeritus

Link to the Pure Group page.


Short bios 


Christian Kronborg

Link to Christian ´s SDU Pure webpage. 


Birgitte Sloth

©RODE Images/Joachim Rode

In my research I study decisions and strategic behaviour of individuals and firms and the functioning of markets using decision theory and game theory. I am particularly interested in the regulation of markets within the fields of transportation, energy and the environment, and in allocation of publicly provided services. I participate in market regulation in practice as a member of Danish Competition Appeal Tribunal (Konkurrenceankenævnet), the Danish Energy Appeal Tribunal (Energiklagenævnet), and the Danish Telecommunications Board of Appeal (Teleklagenævnet).

Link to Birgitte´s SDU Pure webpage.


Peter Sudhölter




My main area of research is game theory and economic theory, with additional contributions in operations research and mathematical programming. In particular, I am interested in the axiomatic approach that yields normative justifications by fairness properties for certain solutions to cooperative games. In general, my background in mathematics enables me to model economic problems so that they can be analyzed by means of game theoretical methods. Optimization problems appear in important applications of my research, and the computation of solutions to particular scientific problems contributes to mathematical programming in a natural way.

I am editorial board member of the International Journal of Game Theory (since 2002),  Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (since 2009), and International Game Theory Review (since 2012).
You can find more about me here

Link to Peter´s SDU Pure webpage.

Ryan Tierney





I work on the theory of market design, which is to say I try to uncover the mathematical structures that are implied by the principles society wishes to realize in its economic system. For example, I have uncovered the necessary and sufficient conditions for a two-sided market (e.g., a labor market with employers and employees) to be both non-discriminatory and prevent collusion among actors. I also seek to develop algorithms that embody the structure I find and that can help society to realize its goals in practice. In the example just given, this resulted in a novel class of matching algorithms I call the Generalized Extremal Walrasian rules. Other work has resulted in algorithms for allocating fishing rights, exchanging houses in the presence of taxation (when markets become illiquid), and some important improvements to well-known auction algorithms to make them more realistic (accomodate preferences of real people and not just firms).   

You can find more about me here.

Link to Ryan´s SDU Pure webpage.


Rafael Treibich




I am an associate professor in the department of Economics at the University of Southern Denmark and Head of the Microeconomics Research Group. I graduated in 2014 with a Ph.D. in economics from Ecole Polytechnique. My main research focus is in political economy. I am particularly interested in understanding how to foster cooperation in international organizations through better collective decision making. I also have broad interests in microeconomic theory and welfare economics.

You can find more about me here.

Link to Rafael´s SDU Pure webpage.


Huanren Zhang




As a behavioral economist, I employ experiments, game theory, computational models, and empirical analysis to understand human and organizational behaviors. Recurring topics in my research include risky decision making, strategic decision making, and organizational learning. My research interests center around decisions under uncertainty – uncertainty that is either inherent in the environment or caused by other players in strategic interactions.

You can find more about me here.

Link to Huanren´s SDU Pure webpage.


Terkel Christiansen

Link to Terkel´s SDU Pure webpage.


Last Updated 27.07.2024