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Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice

Buhmann, Karin, with Wu Jingjing (2024) Comparing Regulatory Responses to the Climate and Covid-19 Crises A Social-Systems Theory-Informed Method for Inquiry. Retfærd 47(2) 27-39. Link to the open access version of the article through this link

Karin Buhmann (2023): "Human Rights and Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement". In Maria Bonnafous-Boucher and J.D. Rendtorff (eds) Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management (Edward Elgar): 150-155.

Karin Buhmann (2023): "Business and Human Rights", in A Rasche, J Moon and M Morsing (eds) Corporate Sustainability. Cambridge University Press.

Karin Buhmann (2023): "Confronting challenges to substantive remedy for victims: Opportunities for OECD NCPs under a due diligence regime involving civil liability". The Business & Human Rights Journal (Cambridge Journals), online: doi:10.1017/bhj.2023.9  

Karin Buhmann (2023): "Addressing a human rights paradox in the green transition: Guidance for invested mining operations to benefit local communities". Journal of Cleaner Production, special issue on human rights, the environment and sustainability; online: 

Mahatab Uddin (2023): “Traditional Knowledge, International Environmental Law, and Bangladesh". Yale Journal of International Law (online).

Karin Buhmann (2022): "Professor: Hvordan kan en kaffebonde fra Brasilien hamle op med en stor europæisk fødevarevirksomhed i retten?". Article in Altinget 27 April 2022.

Mahatab Uddin (2022): "Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law for Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies". Pace International Law Review, volume 34 issue 2. 

Mahatab Uddin (2022): "Protecting Traditional Knowledge under Intellectual Property Rights System", Bangladesh Journal of Law, Volume 20, Issue 1, June, (ISSN: 2145-1245).

Mahatab Uddin, Chowdhury, A., & Kabir, A. (Accepted/In press) (2022): "Legal and Ethical Aspects of Deploying Artificial Intelligence in Climate-Smart Agriculture". AI and Society.

Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose (2021): "Podcast om bæredygtig investering og EU's taksonomi". The article mentioned in the podcast is published in Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret nr. 1, 2021. 

Karin Buhmann (2021): "Lokale protester mod vindenergi udstiller dilemmaer i den grønne omstilling". Article in Altinget 8 September 2021. 

Karin Buhmann (2021): "Virker lovpligtig CSR-rapportering som offentlig reguleringsstrategi? En  analyse af danske virksomheders ikke-finansielle redegørelser om menneske- og arbejdstagerrettigheder 2008-2018" [Does mandatory CSR-reporting work as a public regulatory strategy? An analysis of Danish companies' non-financial reports on human and labour rights 2008-2018]. Juristen, No 3: 97-112. It is available at

Karin Buhmann (2021): "Human Rights: A Key Idea for Business and Society". Routledge.

Karin Buhmann, (2021): "Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change". In Deborah Poff and Alex C Michalos (eds) Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (Springer), DOI

Karin Buhmann (2021): "UN Guiding Principles and Transnational Business Governance". In Deborah Poff and Alex C Michalos (eds) Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (Springer), DOI

Karin Buhmann, with Claire Bright (2021): "Risk-based due diligence, climate change, human rights and the just transition". Sustainability 13(18), special issue on Business, Human Rights and the Environment, Guest editors Olga Martin-Ortega, Valerie Nelson, Renginee G. Pillay and Fatimazahra Dehbi, DOI

Karin Buhmann (2021): "Institutional investors and climate justice: The role of investors in advancingprevention of human rights abuse in investment chains for fossil-free energy". In Volker Mauerhofer (ed) Governance, Law and Sustainability (Routledge): 222-236.

Karin Buhmann, Paul Bowles, Dorothee Cambou, Anna-Sofie Hurup Skjervedal and Mark Stoddart (2021): "Towards socially sustainable renewable energy projects through involvement of local communities: Normative aspects and practices on the ground". In David Natcher and Timo Koivurova (eds) Renewable Economies in the Arctic: A State of  Knowledge (Routledge) 165-183.

Mahatab Uddin & Saleemul Huq (2021): "Community Knowledge Adaptation Technologies and Intellectual Property Rights", University of Asia Pacific Journal of Law and Policy (ISSN 2518-024) Vol. 6, Issue II (December). 

Karin Buhmann (2020): "2030-dagsordenen og Verdensmålene for Bæredygtig Udvikling" [Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals]. In Carina Risvig Hamer og Sten Schaumburg-Müller (eds) Juraens verden – metoder, retskilder og discipliner [The Law’s Universe: Methods, sources of law, and disciplines], Copenhagen: DJØF publishing: 421-432.

Karin Buhmann (2020): "Meaningful stakeholder engagement as an aspect of risk-based due diligencebetween the economy, politics and law: the constitutive role of the Business & Human Rights regime". In Johnstone, Rachael L. and Anne Merrild (eds) Regulation of Extractive Industries: Community Engagement in the  Arctic (Routledge): 78-98.







Last Updated 27.07.2024