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Søren Kragh Moestrup

External Chair of Health Sciences
Department of Molecular Medicine


MD. Søren Kragh Moestrup is Professor at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University.

Professor Søren Kragh Moestrup has an MD (1988) from Aarhus University where he in 1999 became professor in medical biochemistry. Earlier in his career he also worked as visiting scientist (1994-95) at the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University.

He has coauthored more than 200 publications that include highly cited work in many high impact journals such a Nature and Science. His scientific work and discoveries have been recognized by many prizes and awards such as the Hallas Møller stipend 1996, the Anders Medicial Prize for young scientists in 1999, ERC advanced grant in 2009 and the Novo Nordisk Prize in 2013. Furthermore, he is elected member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.

Professor Søren Kragh Moestrup is present or former member of many national and international committees and boards for instance the board of the Danish Council of Independent Research, the ERC Advanced grant evaluation panel LS7, the Novo Nordisk Foundation Medical and Natural Science Committee as well as the Exploratory Grant Committee.

His major research field is the studying of cellular receptors for endocytosis. His lab has over the years discovered several new receptors which have been characterized in terms of structure, function and role in disease. The receptors for uptake of hemoglobin and vitamin B12 are for instance discovered here. This work covering research from basic molecular biology to clinical research has been truly translational. Moreover, the research has led to several patented discoveries including new biological drug candidates for treatment of inflammatory disease. They formed the basis for the start-up of two biotech companies with Professor Søren Kragh Moestrup as co-founder.

For more information about Professor Søren Kragh Moestrup, please refer to the AU Research Portal.