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Ronnie N. Glud

Chair of Science
Department of Biology


PhD. and Dr.scient. Ronnie N. Glud is Professor at the Department of Biology and Nordic Center for Earth Evolution (Nordcee) at SDU.

Click here for more information about Nordcee.

In 1993, Professor Ronnie N. Glud received a PhD degree in Biogeochemistry at the University of Aarhus. Thereafter he worked for 4 years at the newly formed Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, where he established a research group using in situ technologies for investigating carbon and nitrogen mineralization in the deep sea. From 1997-2007 he worked as associate Professor at the Marine Biological Laboratory at the University of Copenhagen before he was recruited as Professor at Scottish Association for Marine Science to establish a research group in marine biogeochemistry in 2007.

However, after 3 years, Professor Ronnie N. Glud was invited for a professorship at the University of Southern Denmark. This enabled him to expand his research group and to work with a great team of colleges at Nordcee.

In 2016 he was awarded a 5-year ERC advanced grant for the exploration of hadal trenches and in 2017 he accepted a cross-appointment with Tokyo University for Marine Science and Technology. This further stimulated his close collaboration with leading Japanese researchers and enabled direct access to research infrastructures for deep-sea exploration. Since September 2020, he has been directing The Danish Center for Hadal Research (HADAL) established with support from The Danish National Research Foundation.

Professor N. Ronnie Glud is a biogeochemist with a strong interest in microbiology. He has a particular interest in ecosystem responses towards environmental and climatic changes. He has developed and applied novel sensor approaches and in situ technologies for studying benthic carbon and nutrient turnover in many challenging environments, with a focus that spans from microscale interactions to global element cycling. He has strong research interests in primary production, carbon and nitrogen mineralization, benthic solute dynamics, element cycling, carbon preservation and interactions between fauna, microbes and virus. During his career, Glud has maintained a strong interest in deep-sea environments and in recent years increasingly focused on life and element cycling in the deepest parts of the global ocean; The hadal trenches.

For information about Professor Ronnie N. Glud, please refer to the SDU Research Portal.