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Anne-Marie Mai

Chair of Humanities
Department of Language and Culture


PhD. Anne-Marie Mai is Professor at the Department for the Study of Culture at SDU.

Professor Anne-Marie Mai is in modern and comparative literature history (1978) and lic.phil. in Nordic literature (1982) from Aarhus University. She was a course leader and lecturer at the Extramural Department of the aforementioned university from 1978 to 1987, freelance producer at the public media institution Danish Radio from 1982 to 1988 and leader of the evening courses at the evening course association of Kalundborg from 1986 to 1988.

In 1988 Professor Anne-Marie Mai was an external associate professor at the Department of Nordic studies at Odense University, adjunct (1993) and associate professor (1995) at the same institution. She was head of the development project regarding the university pedagogy of the University of Southern Denmark from 1995 to 1999, associate research (1998), Professor of Danish literature, Institute of Literature, Media and Cultural studies at the same institution (1999).

Since 2002 Professor Anne-Marie Mai has been the Head of the Board of the Danish Writers Academy. She is visiting professor at Scandinavian Department, University College London (2000), Scandinavian Department, Christian Albrecht University, Kiel (2003).

Furthermore, she is one of the founders of The Danish Society for 18th Century Studies (1993). She is also general secretary of the International Society for 18th Century Studies and chairman of The Research Council of The Ministry for Culture.

In her research, she has especially focused on the history of Danish Literature, contemporary Nordic literature, the history of Nordic Women´s literature and the history of Scandinavian Enlightenment, literary historiography, narrative medicin, and human health.

For more information about Professor Anne-Marie Mai, please refer to the SDU Research Portal.

Anne-Marie Mai