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Preliminary Program

We have planned a 2-day conference with five scientific sessions, including nine invited plenary speakers. Up to nine early-career researchers will be selected to give an oral presentation based on their submitted poster abstracts. All participants are encouraged to submit an abstract and present a poster. Posters (max. 70) are exhibited throughout the conference and in three dedicated poster sessions. An industry exhibition is open during the conference.


DAY 1 - Tuesday, December 3, 2024

09:30  Welcome and opening remarks
10:00  Opening plenary lecture by RuediAebersold, ETH Zürich
10:40  Plenary lecture 2
11:20  Early career speaker 1
11:40  Early career speaker 2
12:00  Lunch, poster session, exhibition
13:30  Plenary lecture 3
14:10  Early career speaker 3
14:30  Refreshments, poster session, exhibition
15:00  Plenary lecture 4
15:40  Early career speaker 4
16:00  Early career speaker 5
16:20  Plenary lecture 5
17:00  End of day 1 scientific program
-transport to Odense City –
18:30  Conference dinner at ODEON

DAY 2 - Wednesday, December 4, 2024

09:30  Plenary lecture 6

10:10  Plenary lecture 7

10:50  Early career speaker 6

11:10  Early career speaker 7

11:30  Presentation of poster prize winners

11:35  Lunch, poster session, exhibition

12:30  Plenary lecture 8

13:10  Early career speaker 8

13:30  Early career speaker 9

13:50  Plenary lecture 9

14:30  Closing remarks and departure



Preliminary Program

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Celebrate MS Program

Last Updated 27.07.2024