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PhD Oral Defence Session Isabella Pernille Raasthøj

PhD Oral Defence Session - Isabella Pernille Raasthøj


"Multiple physical symptoms and coping in the Danish general population"

Date and time:
11-10-2024 at 14:00

DIAS auditorium V24-501a-0, Campusvej 55,
5230 Odense M


Committee of Examiners:

MD, PhD Tim Olde Hartman, Department of Primary and Community care , Radboud University Medical Center

Cand. Psych., PhD Anette Fischer Pedersen , Department of Clinical Medicine and Department of Public Health, Aarhus University

MD, PhD Ditte Roth Hulgaard, Department of Regional Health Research, IRS, Mental
Health Services, the Region of Southern Denmark (chair)


Main supervisor:

Professor Dorte Ejg Jarbøl, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark
Editing was completed: 12.09.2024