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Økonomisk Institut

Leanne Streekstra

Essays in Cooperative Game Theory

Frederikke Frehr Kristensen

Essays in Health and Demographic Economics

Emil Nørmark Sørensen

Health and Machine Learning

Mikkel Hasse Pedersen

Medical Interventions, Welfare Generosity, and Socio-Economic Outcomes

Nikolaj Siersbæk

Essays in Applied Microeconomics

Cristina Victoria Radu

Essays in historical development

Isabelle Mairey

Economic issues related to the evaluation and application of telehealth

Peter Juul Egedesø

Essays in Health and Economic Development

Jesper Normann Breinbjerg

Efficiency, Fairness and Agent Behavior in Queues 

Anne Sophie Oxholm

Physician Quality and Financial Incentives 

Andreea Maerean  

Essays in International Economics and Macro-Finance 

Nino Javakhishvili-Larsen

The role of human capital in regional assemblages: Human capital creation in the urban-rural and cross-border regions

Rannveig Hjaltadóttir 

Cross-border innovation cooperation 

Kristian Skagen 

Sickness presenteeism in the Danish workforce 

Lill-Brith von Arx 

Individuallevel perspectives in drug development: A study of choice for type 2 diabetes treatment using combined survey and registry data 

Christian Skovsgaard 

Topics in development economics 

Camilla Sortsø

Health economic and socio economic impact of diabetes mellitus in Denmark – A register based investigation

Martin Nielsen 

Essays i industriøkonomi 

Anthony Mveyange 

Essays on economic growth and development in Africa 

Kasper Krogh Olsen 

Essays in contract theory 

Xenia Brun Bonde 

Economic incentives and quality of health care in a mixed reimbursement system 

Jens Nordvig 

Essays on the euro-crisis 

Line Planck Kongstad 

Reimbursing heterogeneous hospitals – with a particular focus on university hospitals

Tine Lesner 

Essays in health and development economics 

Dawid Kozlowski 

Methods and models for capacity and patient flow analysis in the hospital sector 

Morten Saaby Pedersen 

Empirical essays on the evaluation of labour market health programs  

Mojtaba Ghiasy 

Productivity analysis and incorporation of prior information into efficiency measurement 

Thim Prætorius 

A theoretical and empirical investigation of care pathways as an organizational phenomenon 

Jonas Helth Lønborg 

The microeconomics of household behaviour in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experimental and quasiexperimental evidence 

Ole Dahl Rasmussen 

The economics of savings and loan associations. Evidence from a randomized control trial in Malawi 

Søren Rud Kristensen

Performance based provider reimbursement and supply side incentives for quality in hospital care

Gisela Hostenkamp 

Price determinants in the secondary pharmaceutcal sector in Denmark  

Line Bjørnskov 

The organisation of primary care and the agency relationship 

Sidst opdateret: 27.07.2024