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Drone Imaginaries and Communities


Kathrin Maurer

Dr. Phil. PhD, Professor MSO of Humanities and Technology and leader of the Center for Culture and Technology at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Kathrin Maurer has a PhD in German Literature from Columbia University and Dr. Phil from SDU. Her research interests are surveillance technology, drones, German literature, visual culture, and aesthetic theory. She has published Visualizing History: The Power of the Image in German Historicism(Walter de Gruyter, 2013) and the Visualizing War: Images, Emotions, Communities (Routledge, 2018) and published internal peer reviewed journals (New German Critique, Media, War, and Conflict; Germanic Review). She is also a Senior Fellow at the Danish Institute for Advanced Study at SDU and the recipient of a research grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. 

Lila Lee-Morrison
Lila Lee-Morrison is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Southern Denmark. The research is sponsored by the Independent Research Fund Denmark and affiliated with the research project titled, 'Drone Imaginaries and Communities' (2020-2024). Her research interests include cultures of machine vision and the intersection of contemporary art, critical theory and contemporary modes of perception, specifically by algorithmic processes. She is currently investigating the topic of machine vision in relation to the art historical genre of landscape imagery and at the theoretical intersection of the aesthetics of the anthropocene and posthumanism.

Previous to this position she completed a PhD at the Dept of Art History and Visual Studies in Lund University with a published dissertation titled, 'Portraits of Automated Facial Recognition: On Machinic Ways of Seeing the Face" (Transcript Verlag, 2019). 
She has written on the visual politics of drone warfare and of biometric systems as well as on media images of the European immigration crisis. She has been published by Liverpool University Press, Brill Publishing and forthcoming, by MIT Press. 

Dominique Routhier

Dominique Routhier is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark, where he has also recently received his PhD with a dissertation entitled The Work of Art in the Age of Automation: The Situationist Movement, 1956-1968 (2020). Interests include the history of art, avant-garde studies, the history of science and technology, cybernetics and automation, 20th century intellectual history and philosophy, critical theories of technology, dissident Marxism(s), and contemporary art and theory. Currently affiliated with the research project Drone Imaginaries and Communities (Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2020-2024).  

Rikke Munch Petersen, PhD, Associate Professor, KU, Research partner
Rikke Munck Petersen is associate professor in landscape architecture and planning at the University of Copenhagen. Her practice-based research bridges design and the humanities. Her research areas are sensory-aesthetic experience, atmosphere, affect, mediation, immediation, sensation, sensitive cognition in pedagogy, and an ecological, aesthetic, and spatial approach to landscape transformations, explored through media mediations and relational thinking about the senses, cultural heritage, ethics, media theory, and design theory. She has pioneered the use of film, including drone filming, as a mediator of affectivity in landscape design and planning. Munck Petersen leads BSc and MSc design courses that reflect her research areas. 

Kristin Veel, PhD, Associate Professor, KU
Kristin Veel is Associate Professor, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen. Her research engages with invisibilities, uncertainties, overload, and the gigantic in contemporary cultural imagination. Her most recent book, coauthored with Henriette Steiner, is Tower to Tower: Gigantism in Architecture and Digital Culture (MIT Press, 2020). She is PI of the Uncertain Archives project and a founding member of the Uncertain Archives research group.

Sidst opdateret: 21.02.2024