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Videnscenter for Psykotraumatologi

Lisa Helena Grønberg Riisager

Ph.d.-studerende, cand.psych.


Projekt titel: Push the Button: Moving towards a personalized psychotherapy concept for using a wearable ecological momentary assessment device with refugees diagnosed with complex PTSD


Although psychotherapy is the primary treatment approach for refugees diagnosed with complex PTSD, evidence indicates that many do not fully recover with current manualized treatments. Novel and flexible treatment approaches are needed to improve treatment response. Wearable ecological momentary assessment (EMA) devices have the potential to revolutionize psychotherapeutic treatment, as they offer self-monitoring and can assist the treatment into more precise data-driven personalization. The aim of the project is to co-create a personalized psychotherapeutic treatment concept for using a wearable EMA device through a participatory action research design.


Hovedvejleder:Stine Bjerrum Møller, Associate Professor, SDU

Bi-vejledere: Lotte Huniche, Associate Professor, SDU & Sabina Palic-Kalic, senior researcher, DIGNITY

Billede af Lisa Riisager