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Center for Sundhedsfilosofi og Etik

MoCS annual 1-day seminar: Interdisciplinary perspectives on practices and interventions in arts and health

October 31, 2024, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm, DIAS conference room, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Our society is putatively undergoing a mental health crisis. As we develop strategies to face this crisis, a wide span of therapies and artistic practices are increasingly explored – from e.g. dance for cancer rehabilitation to more traditional forms of music and dance therapy for psychiatric illnesses. Yet, traditionally conceived, art and health are two very different human domains, the former regulated by aesthetic considerations and the latter by scientific ones.

In this workshop, the research group “Movement, Culture, and Society”, at the University of Southern Denmark brings together a wide array of art-inspired researchers with their distinctive take on the role of art in human health, to discuss questions such as: Which methods, theories, and strategies constructively integrate these two domains? What are the convergences and significant differences between, on the one hand more performative arts, such as music and dance, and on the other hand, literary arts such as reading, writing and narrative? What is the respective role of embodiment and affectivity in the different artistic interventions? And, finally, what will be the most effective or innovative approaches to art and health in the future?

Speakers have been invited to engage with these questions from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives – including public health studies, arts and humanities, philosophy, phenomenology, medical anthropology, and cognitive sciences.

We look forward to be seeing you!

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For questions please contact Simon Høffding:  

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Redaktionen afsluttet: 31.10.2024