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Research infrastructure

The instrument must be used for co-financing of research infrastructure purchases, for example instruments and laboratory equipment that are necessary in order to carry out interdisciplinary climate-related research that supports the mission of the SDU Climate Cluster (SCC) to contribute to climate neutrality by 2050. 

The instrument has been provided by external funding, and SCC has 1 MDKK available for distribution. The external foundation demands a co-financing of at least 50 % so the applications for this instrument must elaborate on the raising of this part. Additionally, a SDU project fee of ten per cent of the applied amount will be charged, as the instrument is externally financed – the applicant must also raise this project fee.

Example of financing of research infrastructure through the SCC instrument

Expense for research infrastructure    DKK 1,000,000


SCC grant  DKK     500,000 
SDU project fee (10%)  DKK        50,000 
The applicant team’s self-financing
(inclusive of project fee) DKK      550,000

Application process

Only SDU researchers can apply for the instrument. The applicant team must consist of researchers from minimum two different faculties in order to ensure the interdisciplinary aspect that is a core element in SCC.

The applications must be written in English and comply with the requirements specified in the application template. 

All applications for the research infrastructure instrument must be sent to SCC by e-mail to Please write “Research infrastructure application” in the subject field. We will acknowledge receipt of the applications.

Evaluation criteria

The research infrastructure applications will be evaluated based on the following two criteria: 

  • Impact: Evaluation of the impact potential of the research according to SCC’s mission of contributing to climate neutrality by 2050.

  • The interdisciplinary research field: Evaluation of the innovation and excellence in relation to the interdisciplinary research field in which the research infrastructure applied for will be used. 

Allocation of the instrument

Decisions on rejections and approvals will be given in writing. 

An approval will be followed up by a brief orientation meeting regarding formalities about finances, reporting and cooperation with SCC.


Once the research infrastructure grant has been used for purchases, a brief financial statement hereof must be sent to SCC. 

After six months’ use of the research infrastructure a brief reporting of the use and the made/expected impact must be sent to SCC. 

Cooperation with SCC

SCC will prepare a brief description of all the granted research infrastructure applications. The descriptions and the contact information of the recipients of the grants will be published on SCC’s website. 

Furthermore, the SCC secretariat will have a continuous dialogue with the recipients of the grants about potential communicative activities. 

Application template for research infrastructure instrument

Applications must be sent to Please write "Research infrastruktur application" in the subject field.

Download application template

Last Updated 06.09.2024