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Centre for Cold War Studies

Members of the network

Abraham, Nils
Ph.d., Universität Greifswald, Germany
Research Area: Public Diplomacy, Propaganda, East Germany/GDR, International class struggle, Image

Almgren, Birgitta

Professor Dr., Centrum för Östersjöforskning Södertörns högskola, Sweden
Research Area: Intercultural processes in Sweden, Germany in the shadow of Nazism and the Cold War

Principal works:
Drömmen om Norden. Nazistisk infiltration i Sverige 1933-1945. Stockholm 2005. 434 p.

Illusion und Wirklichkeit: Individuelle und kollektive Denkmuster in nationalsozialistischer Kulturpolitik und Germanistik in Schweden 1928-1946. (Södertörn Academic Studies 7). 2001. 450 p.

Germanistik und Nationalsozialismus: Affirmation, Konflikt und Protest. Traditionsfelder und zeitgebundene Wertung in Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft am Beispiel der Germanisch-Romanischen Monatsschrift 1929-1943. 1997. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Germanistica Upsaliensia 36). Diss. 304 p.

Publikationer vedrørende DDR
"Schweden-DDR am Beispiel von geheimen Gesprächen zwischen den Kulturbehörden der DDR und Peter Weiss.“ Publikationen der GIG. Band 10. Universität Salzburg/Bern/Wien (under tryckning).

„Wer die Akte kennt, kennt die Wahrheit?“, i: Alison Lewis (red. 2003): Die Kunst des Verrats. Der Prenzlauer Berg und die Staatssicherheit. Würzburg. Studia Neophilologica. A Journal of Germanic and Romance Languages and Literature. Vol. LXXVIII. Nr.1, 2006. p. 103-107.

”Mellan Sverige och DDR. Den tvåspråkige författaren Peter Weiss mellan två politiska system.” Essä i Dagens Nyheter. 26.10.2006.

„Die Ostsee - Meer des Friedens und der Sicherheit? Zu Rhetorik und Denkmustern in deutsch-schwedischen Beziehungen", i: Literaturen des Ostseeraums in interkulturellen Prozessen. Deutsch-polnisch-skandinavische Konferenz Külz/Kulice vom 7. – 10. Oktober 2004. Hrsg. von Regina Hartmann. In Verbindung mit Walter Engel, Stiftung Gerhart Hauptmann-Haus. Deutsch-osteuropäisches Forum, Düsseldorf. Aisthesis Verlag. Bielefeld 2005. p. 13-24.

Ein wissenschaftliches Grossexperiment im Teamwork – Zentralinstitut für Literaturgeschichte in der DDR“. Rec. av Boden, Petra/Böck, Dorothea (Hg.)(2004): Modernisierung ohne Moderne. Das Zentralinstitut für Literaturgeschichte an der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR (1969-1991). Heidelberg. I: Studia Neophilologica. A Journal of Germanic and Romance Languages and Literature. Vol. LXXVII. Nr.2, 2005. p. 236-238.

Andreasen, Henry

Ph.d., Warszaw University, Poland
Research Area: Poland, Communism

Bjerregaard, Karen Steller

Ph.d. stipendiat, Historiestudiet, Roskilde Universitet, Denmark
Research Area: Anti-modernity, Solidarity, Welfare state, Political culture, DNSAP

Blüdnikow, Bent
Cand.mag. history and litterature. Journalist of culture and reviewer at Berlingske Tidende since 2002. Archivist and senior researcher at Rigsarkivet from 1984-1994. Former reditor of debate at Weekendavisen and Berlingske Tidende. Former head of Selskabet for Dansk Jødisk Historie and editor of their journal Rambam. Field of resaerch: Danish-Jewish history and terrorism.

Boel, Bent
Lektor, Historie, Internationale Studier og Samfundsforhold, Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
Research Area: French foreign policy, Transatlantic relations, Western support to the dissidents in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

Boje, Per
Dr.phil., professor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: Trade relations between Denmark and the Eastern Bloc

Bottoni, Stefano
Research fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History.
Field of research: Cooperation between Communist security services in the Eastern Bloc

Brylla, Charlotta

Fil dr., Södertörns högskola, Sweden
Research Area: Language and politics, Intercultural relations between Sweden and Germany during the Second World War and the Cold War

Principal works:
With Birgitta Almgren and Frank-Michael Kirsch (ed.): Bilder i kontrast. Interkulturella processer Sverige/Tyskland i skuggan av nazismen 1933-1945 (2005) och Die schwedische Rezeption zentraler Begriffe der deutschen Frühromantik : Schlüsselwortanalysen zu den Zeitschriften Athenäum und Phosphoros (2003).

Is currently working on the project: Contact and Conflict Sweden – GDR. Politics and Retoric around the Baltic Sea

Bułhak, Władysław
Ph.D., Head of Division of Research, Documentation and Library Holdings at the Public Education Office in the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN, Warsaw, Poland).
Research Area: Polish-Russian (Soviet) relations in XIX and XX centuries. Polish intelligence (1918-1990). Warsaw Pact.

Principle Works:
Dmowski – Rosja a kwestia polska. U źródeł orientacji rosyjskiej obozu narodowego 1886-1908. Warszawa 2000. p. 223,

Kierunki badań na udziałem Wojska Polskiego w operacji „Dunaj”, in: Aparat Bezpieczeństwa, Propaganda a Praska Wiosna, Prague 2009. p. 175-194.

Kontrwywiad Podziemnej Warszawy 1939-1944. Co-author with Andrzej K. Kunert, in: Wywiad i kontrwywiad Armii Krajowej, Warszawa 2008, p. 239-373.

Krótki kurs dezinformacji. (Biuletyn IPN nr 12/2009), p. 14-32.

Raport szefa Oddziału II KG AK ppłk Mariana Drobika „Bieżąca polityka polska i rzeczywistość” i sprawa jego aresztowania, in: Wywiad i kontrwywiad Armii Krajowej, Warszawa 2008, p. 15-77.

Soviet Friends: relations between the Soviet and Polish security services in the years 1944-1990, as exeplified by intelligence issues, Co-author with Andrzej Paczkowski in: NKVD/KGB activities and its cooperation with other secret services in Central and East Central Europe, 1945-1989, vol. II, Prague 2009. p.

Wokół misji Józefa Retingera do kraju. Kwiecień-Lipiec 1944, (Zeszyty Historyczne, z. 168), p. 3-80.

Z szafy pancernej oficera Wydziału XIV Departamentu I MSW PRL, in: Nie ma wolności bez pamięci. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Ryszardowi Terleckiemu, ed. Włodzimierz Bernacki et cons., Kraków 2009, p. 365-381.

Burinskaitė, Kristina

Senior specialist, Coordinator of program, Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania
Research Area: KGB's activity in Lithuania, 1953-1990 and its struggle against anti-Soviet movement (the catholic church, dissidents, émigrés). Propaganda and desinformation

Clemmesen, Michael H.

Pens. brigadegeneral, cand.phil., Forsvarsakademiet, Denmark
Research Area: History of the Army

Cordes, Lena
Ph.D. Abteilung für Regionalgeschichte Schleswig-Holsteins, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Field of research: The history of Schleswig-Holstein, German history of the 19th and 20th century. GDR espionage, history of German relations. 

Cronqvist, Marie

Fil dr, Historiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Sweden
Research Area: Sweden and the culture of the Cold War, the culture of civil defence, “Folkhemmet” and the Cold War

Principal works:
"Det befästa folkhemmet. Kallt krig och varm välfärd i svensk civilförsvarskultur", i Jerneck (ed.): Fred och modernitet, Lund: Studentlitteratur, kommande 2007.

"Bilder från nollpunkten. Visualiseringar av atomålderns urbana apokalyps", i Österberg & Lindstedt-Cronberg (ed.): Våld - representation och realitet, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2006.

Mannen i mitten. Ett spiondrama i svensk kallakrigskultur, Stockholm: Carlsson, 2004.


Dybbro, Niels Ejgil Trebbien
Cand.mag. history and international development studies from Roskilde University, Adjunct.
Field of research: Denmark during the Cold War, Danish Communist Party (DKP), peace movements, the cooperation commitee for Peace and Security

Elo, Kimmo

Dr. University of Turku, Finland
Research Area: Germany in Europe and the world politics, German foreign policy, the problematic according to Germany, Europe and Soviet, Totality theory, Integration theory

Principal works:
"Deutsch-russische ”Strategische Partnerschaft”: Eine kurzsichtige Strategie oder Handeln im Interesse Europas?", (Zukunftforum Politik, Nr. 71), Sankt Augustin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2006.

Die Systemkrise eines totalitären Herrschaftssystems und ihre Folgen: Eine aktualisierte Totalitarismustheorie am Beispiel der Systemkrise in der DDR 1953, LIT-Verlag Münster u.a. 2005, 246 Seiten.

Russia and the CIS – Janus-faced Democracies, Helsinki: Kikimora, 2005 (redigeret sammen med Katja Ruutu).


Farbøl, Rosanna
Ph.D. student, Institute for History and Area studies, Aarhus University.


Fentz, Mette
Ph.D. Institute for History, Culture and Society descibtion, University of Southern Denmark,
Field of research: Danish/(Scandinavian) East policies, Foreign politics, Danish-Rumanian relations during the Cold War, Rumanias Cold War history. 

Fischer, Benjamin
Researh Area: Cold War History, KGB, CIA, HVA, Soviet Intelligence, American Intelligence

Principal works:
A Cold War Conundrum: The 1983 Soviet-American War Scare, (Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency,1997)

At Cold War’s End: US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989-1991, (Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency, 1999)

“‘One of the Biggest Ears in the World’: East German SIGINT,” International Journal of

Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 11:2 (Summer 1998)

“Entangled in History: The Vilification and Vindication of Colonel Kuklinski,” Studies in

Intelligence, 9 (Summer 2000)

“The Gouzenko Affair, the Beginning of the Cold War, and American Counterintelligence,” in Larry Black and Martin Rudner, eds., The Gouzenko Affair. Canada and the Beginning of Cold War Counter-Espionage (Ottawa: Penumbra Press, 2006).

“The Soviet-American War Scare of the 1980s,” International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 19:3 (Fall 2006), pp. 450-518.

Frederichsen, Kim

Projektforsker, Cand. mag. i RUSK (Russisk Samfundsvidenskabelig Kandidat), Center for koldkrigsforskning, Forsvarsakademiet, Denmark
Research Area: Denmark during the Cold War, Culture, Culture struggle and formation of public opinion and Eastern – especially Soviet – (attempt to) influence hence, Danish literature about the Soviet Union, The Warsaw Pact countries and diverse “ism” issued during the Cold War, Danish movies during the Cold War, The Radio of Denmark [Danmarks Radio] during the Cold War, Danish expires of the trial of Kravtjenko in Paris and Athur Koestler’s communistic books, The Danish left intelligentsia during the Cold War, The Association of Danish Russian Co-operation

Principal work: De russiske statsformer og spørgsmålet om de østrig-ungarske krigsfanger under og efter første verdenskrig 1914-1920, 2007 (Thesis – is possible to borrow from the library of the University of Southern Denmark).

Friis, Thomas Wegener
Ph.d., Assosiate Professor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: The history of intelligence service, the history of East Germany, GDR espionage, the history of the army against Denmark, Denmark during the Cold War

Principal works:
Østersø-rummet. Fra Anden Verdenskrig til den Kolde Krig..., Forlaget Friis 2007. (Ed. with Robert Bohn and Michael F. Scholz).

DDR og Norden. Odense 2005. (Red. med Dr. Andreas Linderoth, Lund).

Den usynlige Front. DDR’s militærspionage mod Danmark. København 2005.

Den nye nabo – DDR´s forhold til Danmark 1949-60, København 2001.

Frøland, Hans Otto

Lektor, Norges Teknisk-Naturvidenskabelige Universitet, Norway
Research Area: The European integration, Norway and EU, ’The German problem’ in Europe, the history of Norwegian and German relations, Nordic co-operation, The reminiscence history of the Second World War

Principal works:
""Eine gewaltige, nicht beglichene Schuld". Die deutsche Entschädigung für NS-Verfolgte in Norwegen", i Hans Günter Hockerts et al (Hrsg.), Grenzen der Wiedermacung. Die entschädigung für NS-Verfolgte in West- und Osteuropa 1945 - 2000, Göttingen: Wallstein verlag 2006 s. 285 -356.

Gaini, Firouz

Ph.d.studerende, antropolog, the University of the Faroe Islands
Research Area: Youth culture, Lifestyle, Modernity, Political identity

Principal works:
"Ungdómsins býur" In Mortensen, Andras (ed.) Fólkaleikur. Torshavn 2005.

"To fish or not to fish. The meaning of fish and fisheries among young people in the Faroe Islands", In Fróðskaparrit (Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis) Vol 52. Torshavn 2004.

"Færøerne. Et nordatlantisk øsamfunds ungdom" In Helve, helena (ed.): Ung i utkant. Aktuell forskning om glesbygdsungdomar i Norden. Copenhagen 2003.

Gieseke, Jens

Dr. phil., MA, Senior Researcher with the Research Department of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi-Records, Berlin, Germany
Research Area: DDR, Social history of communism, Stasi, Cold War Intelligence History

Principal works:
East German Espionage in the Era of Détente, Konferencepapirer, Oslo 2004 (under publication).

Der Mielke-Konzern. Die Geschichte der Stasi 1945-1990, New edition, Munich, 2006.

The GDR state security. Shield and Sword of the Party, Berlin, 2002.

Die hauptamtlichen Mitarbeiter der Staatssicherheit. Personalstruktur und Lebenswelt 1950-1989/90, Berlin, 2000.

"German Democratic Republic", in: Lukasz Kaminski, Krzysztof Persak (eds.), A Handbook of the Communist Security Apparatus in East Central Europe 1944-1989, Warsaw, 2005, p. 163-219.


Goodman, Michael
Ph.D. Department of War Studies, King's College London.


Haggman, Bertil
Jur. Cand. Lunds University, writer.
Field of research: Sweden during the Cold War with focus on anti communist activities.

Hansen, Anette Eklund

Cand.mag, afdelingsleder i biblioteket, Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv, Denmark
Research Area: Material about the Cold War

Hansen, Anne-Mette Anker

Cand.mag i Øststatstudier, the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Research Area: The Soviet Union/Eastern Europe in the First Cold War period (1945-60), The time of Stalin, The secret police KBG, Kreml’s Germany policy during and immediate after the death of Stalin

Principal work:
"Berijas storhed og fald. En analyse af de motiver, der lå til grund for udresningen af Lavrentij Berija i 1953", 2002 (Speciale, kan lånes på Det Kongelige Bibliotek).

Hansen, Peer Henrik

Ph.d., Historiestudiet, University of Roskilde, Denmark
Research Area: Intelligence services, Espionage, Stay Behind Network, The Eastern Crisis of 1948

Principal works:
Firmaets Største Bedrift - Den hemmelige krig mod de danske kommunister. København: Høst & Søn 2005.

Påskekrisen 1948 - Dansk dobbeltspil på randen af den kolde krig, København: Høst & Søn 2000 (With med Jakob Sørensen).

Hebøll, Anna
Ph.d.-stipendiat, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: Serbia, Modernisation/Democratization, Establishment of parties, Nationalism

Principal work:
Demokratiets idealer - nationens krav (Thesis - read online here)

Hedin, Astrid
Dr. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Research Area: Swedish and Eastern German contacts, The resekader system, legitimacy contest, The concept “participating totalitarism”

Principal works:
Hedin, Astrid (2005) "'Ingenstans den minsta motvilja'? - den östtyska resekaderns besök i Sverige" i Anu-Mai Köll (red.) Kommunismens ansikten. Eslöv: Symposion, s. 284-317.

Hedin, Astrid (2005) "”Wandel durch Annäherung”, ”Förändring genom närmande”? Sverige och DDR i Östpolitikens era" in Andreas Linderoth and Thomas Wegener Friis (ed.) Norden och DDR. Odense: Southern Denmark University Press, p.329-358.

Hedin, Astrid (2004) "Stalinism as a Civilization - New Perspectives on Communist Regimes" in Political Studies Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 166-184.

Hedin, Astrid (2003) "Stalinism som civilisation - nya perspektiv på kommunistiska regimer" i Historisk tidskrift, Vol. 123, No. 3, pp. 129-144.

Hedin, Astrid (2003) "Stalinismus als Zivilisation - Neue Perspektiven auf kommunistische Regimes" in Comparativ. Leipziger Beiträge zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung. Vol. 13, No. 5/6, pp. 235-247.


Henriksen, Jesper Thestrup
Ph.D. student at the Danish Central Library of Southern Schleswig.
Field of research: Danish-West German sicurity cooperation in early Cold War, Intelligence services in the border area post WW2, German espironage in Denmark in the 1930'ies.

Horstmeier, Carel

Ph.d.-stipendiat, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Research Area: The history of the Netherlands, The relations between the eastern countries Eastern Germany and the Soviet Union and the western countries West Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark

Principal works:
"Ostdeutsche Ohnmacht und widerwillige Hilfe durch Bruderstaaten. Die Anerkennungspolitik der DDR 1949-73", i: Heiner Timmermann (ed.): Die DDR in Europa – zwischen Isolation und Öffnung. Dokumente und Schriften der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen 140, Münster, 2005, p. 69-87.

"Særlige forbindelser? Danmark og DDR 1949-1973" ['Bijzondere betrekkingen? Denemarken en de DDR 1949-1973'], i: Thomas Wegener Friis, Andreas Linderoth (ed.): DDR og Norden. Østtysk-nordiske relationer 1949-1989, Odense, 2005, p. 125-152

"Von 'sadistischen Deutschen' zu 'roten Preußen'. Die Verniedlichung des niederländischen DDR-Bildes", i: Jürgen Luh, Vinzenz Czech, Bert Becker (ed.): Preussen, Deutschland und Europa 1701-2001, Groningen, 2003, p. 178-194.

"Die DDR und Belgien (1949-1972)", i: Ulrich Pfeil (ed.): Die DDR und der Westen. Transnationale Beziehungen 1949-1989, Berlin, 2001, s. 309-327. (Også publiceret som: "La politique de reconnaissance de la RDA en Belgique jusqu'en 1972", i: Ulrich Pfeil (ed.): La RDA et l'Occident 1949-1990, Paris, 2000, p. 281-298.)

"Die Maus, die brüllte. Methoden der Anerkennungspolitik der DDR", i: Hallische Beiträge zur Zeitgeschichte, nr. 9, Halle, 2001, p. 57-79.

"Die Beziehungen der niederländischen kommunistischen Partei (CPN) zur SED", i: Hermann Weber, et al. (ed.): Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 1998, Berlin, 1998, p. 157-186.

"'Stop de neutronenbom!' The last mass-action of the CPN and the Moscow-Berlin-Amsterdam triangle", i: Carel Horstmeier et al.: Around Peter the Great. Three Centuries of Russian-Dutch Relations, Groningen, 1997, p. 65-77.

Imre Okváth
Ph.d.; Historical Archives of Hungarian State Security, Budapest
Resarch Area: The history of the Hungarian military policy and the military intelligence activities (1945-1990)

Principal works:
Additional information to the history of the Hungarian Military Intelligence, 1956-1989. Reconnaissance Review, 2008. November pp. 60 - 93

Military trial inside the "Katpol" (Military Intelligence and Counterinelligence Department of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence) between 1948-1953. In: The century of Reprisal. Political Terror and Violance in Hungary in the 20. Century. Salgótarján - Budapest, 2008. pp. 125 - 42

The Hungarian Army and the Military Counterintelligence, 1955 - 1956. In: ÁVH - Policy - 1956. The Political situation and the Hungarian State security Services in Hungary, 1956. Ed: Okváth Imre. Budapest, 2007. pp. 45 - 68

War plans of the Hungarian Army, 1948 - 1962. Military Review, 2006/1. pp. 34 - 53

The Warsaw Pact and the Hungarian Revolution. In: "Thirteen days, which... Studies on the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the Fight for Freedom. Ed: Miklós Horváth. Budapest, 2003. pp. 61 - 74

Bastion on the front line of the Peace. Hungarian Military Force and Military Policy, 1945 - 1956. Budapest, 1998. p. 350

Ingimundarson, Valur

Lektor, University of Island
Research Area: US, Iceland, Germany, NATO, Military bases

Principal works:
A Time of Reckoning with the Outside World: Icelandic Nationalism, Western Integration, and the Cold War, 1961-1974 (Reykjavik: Vaka Helgafell, 2001).

Iceland, the United States, and NATO during the First Cold War in Forsvarsstudier (Oslo: Institutt for Forsvarsstudier 1999).


Jacobsen, Kurt
Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Medlem af Styregruppen for Center for Koldkrigsstudier
Lektor, Norges Teknisk-Naturvidenskabelige Universitet
Research Area: Danish communism and the relationship to Soviet, The Great Nordic Telegraph Company’s relation to Russia and the Soviet Union, The history of the Soviet Union

Jager, Benedikt

Dr., Seksjon for tysk, Universitetet i Stavanger, Norway
Research Area: Censor in East Germany, Literary connections between Norway and East Germany sensur i DDR, The construction of an ‘idealist’, Different ideas of the public

Jensen, Martin
Projektforsker, Cand. mag., Center for Koldkrigsforskning, Forsvarsakademiet, Denmark
Research Area: Denmark during the Cold War, The fight of communism, Danish-American relations, The footnote period, Foreign and security policy after 1945, International politics

Jeppesen, Lone

Ph.d.-stipendiat, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: German foreign and security policy

Jespersen, Knud J.V.

Dr. phil, professor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark, Medlem af Styregruppen for Centre for Cold War Studies
Research Area: Danish foreign policy, Danish and European history


Johnson, A. Ross
Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; research fellow, Hoover Institution.
Field of research: Cold War History - especially influence programs and Soviet/East European assessments of Western military and informational capabilities.

Jóhannesson, Guðni Thorlacius

Hugvísindastofnun/Centre for Research in the Humanities Háskóli Íslands/ University of Iceland
Research Area: 20th century Icelandic political history, 20th century fishery disputes in the North Atlantic (esp. the "Cod Wars), Iceland during the Cold War, internal security in Iceland, Nordic support for Baltic independence 1990-91.

Principal works:
Sympathy and Self-interest. Norway and the Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars, Defence studies 1:2005 (Oslo: Institute for Defence Studies, 2005).

“How Cod War Came: The Origins of the Anglo-Icelandic Fishing Dispute, 1958-61”. Historical Research, Vol. 77, No. 198, 2004, pp. 543-574.

“To the edge of nowhere? US-Icelandic defense relations during and after the cold war”. Naval War College Review, Vol. 57. No. 4, 2004, pp. 115-137.

“Did he matter? The Colourful Andrew Gilchrist and the first Cod War between Britain and Iceland, 1958-61”. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv, Vol. 26, 2003, pp. 287-299.

“‘Nobody has done so much for us’. Iceland and Lithuania, 1990-1991”, Lithuanian Papers, Vol. 10, 1996, pp. 11-19.

Jørgensen, Jesper

Cand.mag., arkivar, Arbejdermuseet & ABA, Denmark
Research Area: DKP, Ib Nørlund, Communism/Nationalism kommunisme/nationalisme.

Principal works:
Portræt af en ungkommunist. Ib Nørlund 1932-1940. Årbog 2005, Arbejdermuseet & ABA 2006, p. 51-73.

”Vort parti er et dansk parti”. DKP og det nationale 1936-1952. Arbejderhistorie, nr. 2-3, oktober 2005, p. 49-66.

Mellem nationalt ansvar og internationale forpligtigelser. DKP 1958-1976. Arbejderhistorie, nr. 4, december 2004, p. 23-39.

Jørgensen, Thomas Ekman

Ph.d., post. doc., Saxo-Instittutet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Research Area: '1968', Communist parties and the Left wing


Kjærsgaard, Kristine
Ph.d., lektor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark 

Research Area: Danish foreign and security policy – especially Danish UN policy, Human Rights in UN, The European Council

Principal works: 
(Ed.) Omverdenen trænger sig på. Politik og ideer i det 20. århundredes historie. Festskrift til Thorsten Borring Olesen, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2006 (With Lise H. Rasmussen).

Småstat, magt og sikkerhed. Danmark og FN 1949-1965, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2005.

Jutlandia-ekspeditionen. Tilblivelse og virke 1950-53, København: Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Institut, 2001.

Ph.D. Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
Field of research: Danish foreign- and security politicsin a Nordic comparative perspective - especially Danish UN-politics, Human Rights in UN and Europe.


Kjærulff, Rikke

Cand.mag, østeuropastudier, Denmark
Research Area: Denmark during the Cold War, Foreign policy of the Soviet Union, International politics, Influence policy

Kulavig, Erik

Lic. phil, lektor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: Stalin og stalinism. The history of the Sovjet Union and Russia

Principal works:
Dissent in the Years of Khrushchev. Nine Stories about Disobedient Russians, Palgrave, Macmillan, London, 2002.

Tretten historier om ulydige russere, Odense Universitetsforlag, Odense 1999.

Russisk Nationalisme 1986-1992, Odense Universitetsforlag, Odense 1995.

Lammers, Karl Christian
Lektor, Afdeling for historie, Saxo-Instituttet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Research Area: Germany during the Cold War, Denmark and the two German states after 1949

Principal works:
Det ny Tyskland. Fra sammenbrud til genforening 1945-1992, Akademisk Forlag
København 1993.

"Hvad skal vi gøre ved tyskerne bagefter?". Det dansk-tyske forhold efter
1945, København Schønberg 2005.

Tyskland efter murens fald 1989, Systime 2006.

Living Next Door to Germany: Denmark and the German Problem, i: Contemporary
European History 15:4, 2006, special issue: The Nordic Countries and the
German Question after 1945.

Lang-Jensen, Sebastian
Cand.mag, informationskonsulent i Den Danske Europabevægelse, Denmark
Forskningsfelt: The Danish left wing, European co-operation from 1945 to 1972, Intelligence services

Larsen, Chris Holmsted, research employee at CBIT, the University of Roskilde.
Research Area: The Vietnam War, Communism, protest movements, the Cold War in Africa, The radical left wing, Radicalisation and terrorism.

Principal works:
(red.) "Besetze deine Stadt! - BZ din by! Häuserkämpfe und Stadtentwicklung in Kopenhagen". Assoziation A., Berlin, 2008 (sammen med Peter Birke).

"The Vietnam War. The Danish and Norwegian experience 1964-1975". /Scandinavian Journal of History/, 2008, Vol. 33 (4), s. 395-416, (sammen med Søren Hein Rasmussen og James Godbolt).

"Tiden arbejder for os. DKP og Vietnamkrigen 1963-1973". Multivers, København, 2007.


Linderoth, Andreas
Intendent, Curator, Ph.D. State museum of Marine, Marine museum - Museum of the history of the Sea - Vasa museum.
Field of research: Sweden, Marine history, Germany, Foreign- and security politics, Culture.


Lund, Joachim
Ph.d., lektor ved International Center for Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Research Area: The starting of the Cold War just after the Second World War; particularly the international economic development

Lundgreen- Nielsen, Kay

Lic. phil, lektor, Historiestudiet, Syddansk Universitet
Research Area: The history of foreign policy in the 20th Century - both Danish, European and American, The history of Poland in the 20th Century

Principal works:
"Krig mod det polske folk! Wojciech Jaruzelski og indførelsen af krigstilstand 13.december 1981", i: (Red.) Lars Bisgaard m.fl.: Krig fra først til sidst. Festskrift til Knud J.V. Jespersen, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2006, p. 249-270.

"Præsident Wilson og amerikansk udenrigspolitik", i: Historie og Historiografi. Festskrift til Inga Floto, red. Carsten Due-Nielsen. København, 2002, p. 137-160.


Lundtofte, Henrik
Head of Archieve, Cand.mag., Historic Collection from the Occupation

Macrakis, Kristie
Ph.d., professor, Visiting Scholar at the Department of History of Science at Harvard University
Research Area: CIA, Nazi Germany, Science under Socialism, Eastern Germany, The history of Espionage, The history of Science

Principal works:
Seduced by Secrets: Inside the Stasi’s Spy-Tech World. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008[Trade Division])

Science under Socialism: East Germany in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999)

Surviving the Swastika: Scientific Research in Nazi Germany (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993)

Maddrell, Paul
MA, LL. M., M. Phil., Ph. D. (Cantab), Lecturer in International Politics, Aberystwyth University, Great Britain

Research areas: history of intelligence and security; history of the German Democratic Republic and its security service, the Stasi; twentieth-century German and Soviet history

Principal works:
Spying on Science: Western Intelligence in Divided Germany, 1945-1961 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006)

"The Western Secret Services, the East German Ministry of State Security and the Building of the Berlin Wall", Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 21, No. 5 (2006), pp. 829-847

"What we have Discovered about the Cold War is what we already Knew: Julius Mader and the Western Secret Services during the Cold War", Cold War History, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2005), pp. 235-258

"The Scientist Who Came In from the Cold: Heinz Barwich's Flight from the GDR", Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2005), pp. 608-630

"Einfallstor in die Sowjetunion: die Besatzung Deutschlands und die Ausspähung der UdSSR durch den britischen Nachrichtendienst", Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Vol. 51, No. 2 (2003), pp. 183-227

Magnúsdóttir, Rósa

Ph.d., University of Iceland
Research Area: Soviet-American relations, Soviet-Icelandic relations, Culture, Images, Tourism, Delegations, Experience

Principal works:
“Be Careful in America, Premier Khrushchev! Soviet Perceptions of Peaceful Coexistence with the United States in 1959” in Cahiers du monde russe (Forthcoming in 2006).

Keeping Up Appearances: How the Soviet State Failed to Control Popular Attitudes Toward the United States of America, 1945-1959 (Ph.D. diss, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006).

“The Myth of America and Soviet Socialism: Perceptions and Realities in the Postwar Soviet Union” in Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 31:3 (2004).

Mertelsmann, Olaf
Dr. phil., Associate Professor in Contemporary History, University of Tartu, Estonia
Research areas: 20th century economic and social history, Stalinism, Contemporary Baltic history

Principal works:
(ed.) The Sovietization of the Baltic States, 1940-1956, Tartu 2003.

(ed.) Vom Hitler-Stalin-Pakt bis zu Stalins Tod. Estland 1939-1953, Hamburg 2005.

(ed.) Estland und Russland. Aspekte der Beziehungen beider Länder, Hamburg 2005.

Der stalinistische Umbau in Estland. Von der Markt- zur Kommandowirtschaft, Hamburg 2006.

Molin, Karl

Professor, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Research Area: Neutrality, International solidarity, International law, Östen Undén, Small state policy

Principal works:
Omstridd neutralitet : experternas kritik av svensk utrikespolitik 1948-1950, (Stockholm:) Tiden, 1991.


Müller-Engbergs, Helmut
Honory Professor, Institute of History, University of Sourthern Denmark.
Field of research: Intelligence services

Møller, Morten

Cand.mag., researcher at the Royal Library, Denmark
Research Area: Mogens Fog, DKP, The first Cold War, Political history of culture

Nielsen, Knud Holt

Ph.d., Center for Arbejderkulturstudier, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Research Area: DKU and the communist world organisation, DKU and movements and interest group of the youth in Denmark, Protest of the youth and the left wing 1960-90, The development of the movement of pupils, students and apprentices gdomsprotester og venstreorientering 1960-90

Principal works:
"Giv mig de bedste i blandt jer ...". Hvem var DKU'erne? Resultater af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse (I)", i: Arbejderhistorie, nr. 4, 2004.

""Politisk idealisme, gode fester eller realiseret socialisme". Resultater af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse (II)", i: Arbejderhistorie, nr. 1, 2005.

"Da skoleeleverne blev fagligt organiseret", i: Arbejderhistorie, nr. 3, 2000.


Olesen, Jens E.

Dr. phil., professor, Universität Greifswald, Germany, Medlem af Styregruppen for Center for Koldkrigsstudier.
Research Area: Nordic history, the history of the Baltic Sea, The inter-war period, The Nordic countries during the Second World War, The Nordic countries and the two German states

Olesen, Thorsten Borring

Jean Monnet professor, Institut for Historie & Områdestudier, Aarhus University, Denmark
Research Area: Danish foreign and development policy after 1945, European integration

Principal works:
"Truth on Demand. Denmark and the Cold War", Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook 2006, p. 80-113, Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (Kbh.).

“I blokopdelingens tegn”, Dansk Udenrigspolitiks Historie 1945-1972, vol. 5, Gyldendal/Kbh. 2005. (Sammen med Poul Villaume).

(Ed.): The Cold War - and the Nordic Countries. Historiography at a Crossroads, Odense 2004, 194 s.

Grønland under den kolde krig. Dansk og amerikansk sikkerhedspolitik 1945-1968, Kbh. 1997, vol I-II., 614 s. + 473 s. (Sammen med DUPI's forskergruppe).

"Danmark og den kolde krig - set gennem de seneste elleve års forskning", Historie, 1995 (2), s. 233-260.

Petersen, Klaus

Ph.d., professor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: The Nordic welfare state, the Social democracy and DKP, Americanisation and the anti-Americanism in Denmark after 1945

Principal works:
”Ameri-Danes and pro-American anti-Americans. Cultural Americanization and anti-Americanism in Denmark after 1945”, i: Alexander Stephan (ed.): American Culture in Europe. Americanization & Anti-Americanism Since 1945. Berghahn Publishers 2005 (Sammen med Nils Arne Sørensen).

Den kolde krig på hjemmefronten. Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2004 (Edited with Nils Arne Sørensen).

Website: Center for Velfærdsstatsforskning

Petersen, Nikolaj

Professor i International politik og organisation, Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus University, Denmark
Research Area: The beginning and the end of the Cold War, Danish security policy 1948-49 (especially the debate about NATO), Denmark and the Second Cold War (1979-85), Greenland during the Cold War, Danish foreign policy after the Cold War

Principal works:
Europæisk og globalt engagement 1973-2006, Dansk Udenrigspolitiks Historie 6, 2. udgave, 2006.

Grønland under den kolde krig, DUPI 1997.

Philipsen, Ingeborg

Ph.d.-stipendiat, Saxo-Instituttet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Research Area: The Transatlantic co-operation, Cold War culture, The role of the intelligence service during the Cold War

Principal works:
"Koestler og kommissærerne. Udvalget til undersøgelse af almindelig litteratur om Sovjet 1947-49" i: KRITIK nr. 166, 37. årg. december 2004.

"Out of tune. The Congress for Cultural Freedom in Denmark" i: The Cultural Cold War in Western Europe, 1945-1960, ed. Giles Scott-Smith og Hans Krabbendam, Frank Cass Publishers, 2003. (opr. særnummer af tidsskriftet: Intelligence and National Security, spring 2003, vol.18, No. 1.)

"Antikommunismen många Ansikten" i: Arbetarhistoria, vol. 100: 4, oktober 2001.

"Selskabet for frihed og kultur. Congress for Cultural Freedom i Danmark 1953-60" i: KRITIK, nr. 158 35. årg., August 2002.

Ploetz, Michael

Employed at Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Research Area: The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, Military and political strategies, The Cold War in the Third World, Stasi

Principal works:
Wie die Sowjetunion den Kalten Krieg verlor. Von der Nachrüstung zum Mauerfall, Berlin, München: Propyläen, 2000.

Die Rolle des DDR-’Friedensrates’ in der SED-Kampagne, in: Raketenpoker um Europa, s.o., p. 254-269. Ebenfalls abgedruckt in: Die verführte Friedensbewegung: Der Einfluß des Ostens auf die Nachrüstungsdebatte, München: Olzog, 2002, p. 97-122.

Enemy image and identity in the Warsaw Pact, in: War, Peace and World Orders in European History, hrsg. von Anja V. Hartmann und Beatrice Heuser, London, New York: Routledge, 2001, p. 226-236.

NATO and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation at the Time of the Euromissile Crisis, 1975 to 1985, in: A History of NATO: The First Fifthy Years, Band 2, hrsg. von Gustav Schmidt, Houndsmills, Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave, 2001, p. 209-221.

Waffensysteme und Strategien im Kalten Krieg, in: Raketenpoker um Europa: Das sowjetische SS 20-Abenteuer und die Friedensbewegung, hrsg. von Jürgen Maruhn und Manfred Wilke im Auftrag der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für Politische Bildungsarbeit und der Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing: München: 2001, p. 48-69.

Poulsen, Niels Bo

Ph.d., Chef for Center For Militærhistorie, Forsvarsakademiet, Denmark
Research Area: Stalinism, Propaganda, Early Cold War, Totalitarian methods

Pryser, Tore

Professor, Høgskolen i Lillehammer, Norway
Research Area: The connection between warn and cold war in the research about the German intelligence service during the Second Worlds War, The use of these German intelligence service expert by the superpower in their services during the Cold War

Principal works:
Hitlers hemmelige agenter. Tysk etterretning i Norge 1939-1945, (Norge:)Universitetforlaget 2001.

”From Petsamo to Venona. Intelligence Services in the Nordic Countries from Hot War to Cold War”, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol 24, No 1, 1999.

Rasmussen, Svend Gottschalk

Lektor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: Contemporary history of Poland, Enemy images used in the propaganda of the communist time

Rentola, Kimmo

Professor of Contemporary History, University of Turku, Finland
Research Area: Finnish-Soviet relations, Finnish and Nordic Communism, the year 1968

Rosengren, Peter
Curator, Naval Museum of Karlskrona
Research Area: Swedish security politics, Maritime history

Rostgaard, Marianne

Professor, Historiestudiet, Aalborg University, Denmark
Research Area: Public Diplomacy; Americanisation and Americanisation debate during the first Cold War

Ruggenthaler, Peter
Dr. Mag. phil, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on War Consequences, Graz
Research area: Soviet foreign policy, forced labour in the "Third Reich".

Principal Works:
The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series. Lanham (2010)

Prager Frühling. Das internationale Krisenjahr 1968, Böhlau (2008)

Stalins großer Bluff. Die Geschichte der Stalin-Note in Dokumenten der sowjetischen Führung, Oldenbourg (2007)

Zwangsarbeit in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft auf dem Gebiet der Republik Österreich 1939-1945, Oldenbourg (2004).

Rüdiger, Mogens

Professor mso, Historiestudiet, Aalborg University, Denmark
Research Area: Coordinating Committee, Strategic export control, economic warfare, East-West trade

Salomon, Kim

Professor, University of Lund, Sweden
Research Area: Cold War culture and the stories of the Cold War

Principal works:
Hotad idyll. Berättelser om svenskt folkhem och kallt krig, (Sverige:) Nordic Academic Press, 2004. (Sammen med Lisbeth Larsson och Håkan Arvidsson).

Refugees in the Cold War, Lund University Press, 1991.

Scholz, Michael F.

Docent, lektor i historia vid Högskolan på Gotland, Sweden

Principal works:
Østersø-rummet. Fra Anden Verdenskrig til den Kolde Krig..., Forlaget Friis 2007. (Red. med Robert Bohn og Thomas Wegener Friis).

Die Nordeuropa-Politik der DDR (bis 1963), i: Robert Bohn/Jürgen Elvert/Karl Christian Lammers (red.), Deutsch-skandinavische Beziehungen nach 1945, Stuttgart 2000, s 21-43.

Skandinavische Erfahrungen erwünscht? Nachexil und Remigration. Die ehemaligen KPD-Emigranten in Skandinavien und ihr weiteres Schicksal inder SBZ/DDR, Stuttgart 2000.

"Schuldig ist schließlich jeder ... " Comics in der DDR - Die Geschichte eines ungeliebten Mediums 1945/49-1990, Berlin 1994.

Skak, Mette

Lic.scient.pol., lektor, Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus University, Denmark
Research Area: Comintern, Russian foreign policy, Globalization

Principal works:
Revolution by Stealth. The Fake Dissolution of the Comintern and the Early Cold War (manuskript under udarbejdelse, udkast kan rekvireres fra forf.).

From Empire to Anarchy. Postcommunist Foreign Policy and International Relations. London: Hurst & Co. 1996 (kap. 3 "Shadows of the Past" er en ganske omfattende analyse af hele den sovjetiske fase af historien for både Sovjetunionens og Østeuropas vedkommende).

Sørensen, Anne

Ph.d., post. Doc., Historisk Afdeling, Aarhus University, Denmark
Research Area: The two German states after 1945, The red terrorism and the fight against terrorism in West Germany from 1970 and up, The history of terrorism, Stasi

Principal works:
Stasi og den vesttyske terrorisme, Århus: Århus Universitetsforlag, 2006.

Sørensen, Nils Arne

Lic.phil., Lektor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern Denmark
Research Area: The Americanisation of Denmark

Principal works:
““Ameri-Danes and Pro-American Anti-Americans”. Americanisation and Anti-Americanism in Denmark since 1945”, trykt i Alexander Stephan (ed.): The Americanization of Europe. Culture, Diplomacy, and Anti-Americanism after 1945, New York: Berghahn 2006 (Sammen med Klaus Petersen).

Den kolde Krig på Hjemmefronten, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2004 (Redigeret sammen med Klaus Petersen).


Tebinka, Jacek
Professor at University of Gdańsk an Naval Academy in Gdynia.
Field of research: Anglo-Polish relations in 20th Century, Polish Question in Second World War and Cold War History.

Trommer, Aage

Dr. phil., lektor, Historiestudiet, University of Southern
Research Area: The history of Denmark and Europe

Villaume, Poul

Dr. phil., professor, Saxo-Instituttet, Afd. for Historie, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Research Area: Danish foreign and security policy after 1945, Denmark during the Cold War, The history of Cold War in general, Foreign policy of US after 1945

Principal works:
"I blokopbygningens tegn. Dansk Udenrigspolitiks Historie, bd. 5: 1945-1972", København: Danmarks Nationalleksikon/Gyldendal, 2005. (Sammen med Thorsten Borring Olesen)

"Lavvækst og frontdannelser. Politiken/Gyldendals Danmarkshistorie, bd. 15: 1970-1985", København: Politiken/Gyldendal, 2005.

"Allieret med forbehold. Danmark, NATO og den kolde krig. En studie i dansk sikkerhedspolitik 1949-1961", København: Eirene, 1995.

Vyff, Iben Cathrine

Ph.d.-stipendiat, Historiestudiet, Roskilde University
Research Area: The cultural Cold War, Everday life and identity in the 1950s, Danish travel report from USA and USSR

Wiklund, Martin

Post. doc., Historiska institutionen, University of Lund, Sweden
Research Area: Historiemedvetande och berättelseanalys, hermeneutik, svensk politisk och kulturell samtidshistoria, modernitet, modernitetskritik och modernism, historieteori.

Principal works:
I det modernas landskap. Historisk orientering och kritiska berättelser om det moderna Sverige mellan 1960 och 1990, Stockholm/Stehag: Symposion 2006. (Diss.)

"Kalla kriget som motbild i 60-talsvänsterns berättelse", i: Salomon, Larsson, Arvidsson (red.): Hotad idyll. Berättelser om svenskt folkhem och kallt krig", Nordic Academic Press 2004, s. 241-266.

"Leninismens renässans", i: Den Jyske Historiker, (Tema "Opbrud i 1960erne"), Nr. 101, Juli 2003, s. 95–119.

Last Updated 13.10.2016