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Kannan Govindan

External Chair of Engineering
Department of Technology and Innovation


M.E. and PhD. Professor Kannan Govindan is a founder and current Head of the Center for Sustainable Supply Chain Engineering at SDU.

Professor Kannan Govindan has been named a highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics every year since 2018. He received the Fyens Stiftstidende research award for 2019. He also received the High-Level Overseas Innovative Talent to Tianjin award (Under 1000 talents program for High-Level Overseas Innovative Talent experts of Tianjin Province) from Tianjin Province, China. He was awarded the Gold Medal for the best PhD. thesis from the former president of India. Also, he was awarded Young Alumni Achiever Award for Excellence in Academic / Research by the governor of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. He received the International Young Scientists award from the Chinese Academy of Science, 2012–2013.

He has published more than 250 international journal articles (with a total of 20500+ citations and an H-index of 79) in leading journals such as Nature, Omega, Journal of the Operational Research Society,  Journal of Environmental Management, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,  European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Ecological Indicators, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans, European Management Journal, Computers and OR, International Journal of Production Economics and International Journal of Production Research.

Many of his papers were selected as the ESI top 1% highly cited papers or 0.1 % hot papers or identified and highlighted as the Key Scientific Article contributing to the excellence in Engineering and Environmental Research (Source: Web of Science).  He was rated as 2nd among the top ten contributing authors in the area of green supply chain management in the last 22 years (Source: Sustainable Production and Consumption Journal, 2017). He was rated 1st among the top twenty contributing authors in the area of reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain management in the last 23 years (Source: International Journal of Production Research, 2018). Also, his paper titled “Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions” is selected as one of the 20 trendsetting papers of the last 20 years. The selection has been made from among 14,617 articles published in EJOR until the end of 2016.

Professor Kannan Govindan has received more than 12 National and International research project grants.  He also serves as an external evaluator for various research foundations/councils from countries such as Swiss, France, Romania, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.  He has held various teaching and research roles in several European, Asian, and American universities. Currently, he is an Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling (Inderscience) and the International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (Inderscience).  In addition, he serves as associate editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production,  an area Editor of INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research and has served as a guest editor in journals such as European Journal of Operations Research, Computers and OR, Annals of OR, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Production Economics. Finally, he serves as an Editorial Board Member of several international journals.

His research interests include digital supply chain, industry 4.0 on supply chain, sustainable development goals, reverse logistics, closed-loop supply chain, digitalized sustainable circular economy, green supply chain management, and sustainable supply chain management.

For more information about Professor Kannan Govindan, please refer to the SDU Research Portal.

Kannan Govindan