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Chunfang Zhou as guest presenter

Chunfang Zhou as guest presenter at BMBs annual teaching seminar

August 22, Chunfang Zhou will be guest presenter at the annual teaching seminar for the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB), in collaboration with Cita Nøregård from SDUUP. The theme ‘Creativity - what it is and how can we teach it?’ is the key area of Chunfang’s research at IMADA.

August 22, Chunfang Zhou will be guest presenter at the annual teaching seminar for the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB), in collaboration with Cita Nøregård from SDUUP. The theme ‘Creativity - what it is and how can we teach it?’ is the key area of Chunfang’s research at IMADA. Here she will share some of her many findings and experiences within the field of creativity, teaching and learning, and STEM education.

The seminar is held at Hotel Sinatur Storebælt in Nyborg. Her presentation is set to motivate the participants to contribute their inspiration and reflection on how to improve teaching skills towards promoting creativity with young scientists. And furthermore, to integrate creativity in the teaching practice of BMB.

Editing was completed: 08.07.2022