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P. Elli Stamatopoulou

Position in POLIMA - PhD Student


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P. Elli Stamatopoulou received her Diploma in Physics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2017), and her Master’s degree from the National Technical University of Athens (2020). During her postgraduate studies, she joined the Center for Nano Optics (SDU) as Erasmus visiting student, under the supervision of N. Asger Mortensen. She became a PhD student at SDU in August 2020, and a member of POLIMA since its opening in January 2023, under the supervision of Christos Tserkezis. Her research focused on the theory of light—matter interactions in plasmonic and dielectric systems, and electron-beam spectroscopies.
Elli successfully defended her thesis, titled "Strong light–matter interactions in extreme plasmonic and Mie-resonant systems" in December 2023, with Javier García de Abajo (ICFO), Päivi Törmä (Aalto University), Antonio Fernández-Domínguez (Universidad Autónoma Madrid), and Jonas Beermann (SDU) as members of the exam committee. During her stay at SDU, she co-authored the following publications:
P. Elli Stamatopoulou was the recipient of the Zonta PhD scholarship for women in natural science and technology in September 2021, while her PhD thesis has been accepted for publication in the Springer Theses Series. In March 2024 she joined Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as a postdoctoral fellow. 

[1] P. E. Stamatopoulou, V. Yannopapas, N. A. Mortensen and C. Tserkezis, “Manipulating the photonic Hall effect with hybrid Mie-exciton resonances”, Phys. Rev. B 102, 195415 (2020).
[2] P. E. Stamatopoulou and C. Tserkezis, “Role of emitter position and orientation on silicon nanoparticle-enhanced fluorescence”, OSA Continuum 4, 918 (2021).
[3] S. Fiedler, P. E. Stamatopoulou, A. Assadillayev, C. Wolff, H. Sugimoto, M. Fujii, N. A. Mortensen, S. Raza and C. Tserkezis, “Disentangling cathodoluminescence spectra in nanophotonics: particle eigenmodes vs transition radiation”, Nano Lett. 22, 2320 (2022).
[4] P. E. Stamatopoulou and C. Tserkezis, “Finite-size and quantum effects in plasmonics: manifestations and theoretical modelling”, Opt. Mater. Express 12, 1869 (2022). (Invited review, Editor’s pick)
[5] A. Babaze, E. Ogando, P. E. Stamatopoulou, C. Tserkezis, N. A. Mortensen, J. Aizpurua, A. G. Borisov and R. Esteban, “Quantum surface effects in the electromagnetic coupling between a quantum emitter and a plasmonic nanoantenna: time-dependent density functional theory vs. semiclassical Feibelman approach”, Opt. Express 30, 21159 (2022). (Editor’s pick)
[6] P. E. Stamatopoulou, S. Droulias, G. P. Acuna, N. A. Mortensen and C. Tserkezis, “Reconfigurable chirality with achiral excitonic materials in the strong-coupling regime ”, Nanoscale 14, 17581 (2022).
[7] P. E. Stamatopoulou, W. Zhao, A. Rodríguez Echarri, N. A. Mortensen, K. Busch, C. Tserkezis, and C. Wolff, “Electron beams traversing spherical nanoparticles: analytic and numerical treatment”, Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 013239 (2024).
[8] C. Tserkezis, P. E. Stamatopoulou, C. Wolff, and N. A. Mortensen, “Self-hybridisation between
interband transitions and Mie modes in dielectric nanoparticles”, Nanophotonics 13 (2024).
[9] I. J. Bundgaard, C. N. Hansen, P. E. Stamatopoulou, C. Tserkezis, “Quantum-informed plasmonics for strong coupling: the role of electron spill-out”, arXiv:2311.06030.


Photo Elli Stamatopoulou