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Human Health

Anette Hauervig Grønning

Associate Professor
Department for the Study of Culture

Phone: +45 6550 4039

Anette Grønning holds a PhD in Communication Studies and is Associate Professor at Media Science at the Department for the Study of Culture, SDU. Her research interests include digital conversations, in particular e-mail and chat in an everyday and work life perspective, which she examines in relation to theoretical and analytical core concepts such as identity, social presence, roles and power. Since 2003, her teaching and research has focused on digital communication and social media.

She heads the research project "Digital Consultation" (2017-2021), SDU. The project examines practitioners’ and patients’ experiences with digital consultations in general practice, analyzing both e-consultations and interviews with patients and practitioners. The project consists of five sub-projects which, to varying degrees, share three core concepts: technology, content and relationships. The project is funded by the VELUX Foundations, Helsefonden and the Strategic Pool at SDU.