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Louise Elmelund-Præstekær

ATLAS Center Administrator
PA to Susanne Mandrup

Phone: +45 6550 9215

Since early 2018, I have been the Center Administrator for the Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS) and from May 2019 also for the Center for Adipocyte Signaling (ADIPOSIGN). I am also the Personal Assistant (PA) for Prof. Susanne Mandrup in her function as Center Director. 

I have a strong background in biochemistry and molecular biology, coupled with a flair for administrative tasks. I completed my PhD in 2012 in the group of Prof. Nils J. Færgeman with a dissertation on beneficial effects of plant and herbal extracts on fat storage and homeostasis, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship (2012-2015) in the group of Professor Blagoy Blagoev, within the field of protein purification and mass spectrometry. This led to a job as process responsible chemist in production support at Novo Nordisk, where I worked with GMP, GDP, and cLEAN.

In ATLAS and ADIPOSIGN I coordinate activities and support the centers' many tasks at the administrative level.