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Raquel Saborano

Susanne Mandrup

Phone: +45 6550 7753

I have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Aveiro (Portugal), and have pursued my PhD at the University of Birmingham (UK). My dissertation focused on the metabolic characterization of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases by NMR metabolomics, under the supervision of Prof. Ulrich Gunther and Prof. Patricia Lalor.

Next, I worked for three years as an analytical scientist at Hovione, where I was responsible for the management of drug substance and drug product projects from the R&D to GMP stages.

I moved to Denmark in April 2023 to join the Mandrup and Schimdt groups as a post-doc on the “healthy and unhealthy adipose tissue in human obesity” project in ATLAS funded by Sygesikringen "danmark". My interest lies in understanding the metabolic mechanisms that regulate the storage of excess energy in different fat depots. I will examine fat biopsies from the abdominal and hip regions of people with apple- and pear-shaped obesity to explore differences in cellular composition and signalling states.