Research areas
International law
The right to self-determination
Minority rights
Human rights
Sources in international law
Legitimacy in international law
Selected publications
The Greenland Self-Government Act: The Pitfall for the Inuit in Greenland to Remain an Indigenous People? Mortensen, B. O. G. & Barten, U., 2017, I: The Yearbook of Polar Law. 8, 1, s. 103-128
What's in a Name? Peoples, Minorities, Indigenous Peoples, Tribal Groups and Nations
Barten, U., 2015, I: E C M I Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe. 14, 1, s. 1-25 25 s.
Minorities, Minority Rights and Internal Self-Determination
Barten, U., 2015, Springer. 295 s.
LinkedIn: Ulrike Fleth-Barten