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Center for War Studies

Tobias Nanz

Associate Professor
Department of Culture and Language

Phone: +4565503414

Research areas 

History of the imagined Red Telephone (and real Hotline/Teletype System)

Cold War Media

Crisis Communication

War and Media

Media History of Diplomacy



Funded projects

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (Horizon 2020), Crisis Communication and Deterrence: The Interaction of Facts and Fictions (CODE), SDU 2021-2025


Selected publications

Co-Edited Volumes:

Tobias Nanz/Hedwig Wagner (ed.), Cold War Europe. A Space of Communication, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (forthcoming).


Lars Koch/Tobias Nanz/Christina Rogers (ed.), The Great Disruptor. Über Trump, die Medien und die Politik der Herabsetzung, Stuttgart/Weimar: J.B. Metzler 2023. Second edition. Englisch translation forthcoming.

Open Access:



Tobias Nanz, European Crisis Communication. British and French Hotlines to Moscow as means of disruption, in: Tobias Nanz/Hedwig Wagner (ed.), Europe. A Space of Communication, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (forthcoming).


Tobias Nanz, Das diplomatische Protokoll, in: Peter Plener/Niels Werber/Burkhardt Wolf (ed.), Das Protokoll, in: AdminiStudies. Formen und Medien der Verwaltung, vol. 2, Stuttgart 2023, 15-30

Open Access:


Tobias Nanz, The Red Telephone. A Hybrid Object of the Cold War, in: Lars Koch/Tobias Nanz/Johannes Pause (Hg.), Disruption in the Arts. Textual, Visual, and Performative Strategies for Analyzing Societal Self-Descriptions, Berlin/Boston 2018, 275-289.

Open Access:


Tobias Nanz, Communication in Crisis: The “Red Phone“ and the „Hotline“, in: Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 3/2 (2010), 71-83.

Open Access: