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Center for War Studies

Thomas Ærvold Bjerre

Associate Professor
Department of Culture and Language

Phone: +45 65 50 31 20

Research areas
Representations of war in U.S. popular culture
Military masculinities in popular culture
The U.S. South in popular culture

Selected publications

T Æ Bjerre, “Unmanned? Military Masculinities in Filmic Representations of U.S. Drone Operators,” Men and Masculinities (2022).


T Æ Bjerre, “Military Masculinity and the Deserting Soldier in Stop-Loss,” in Purse, L. & Wolfel, U. (eds.), Mediating War and Identity: Figures of Transgression in 20th and 21st Century War Representation. Edinburgh UP, 2020pp. 135-151.


T Æ Bjerre, “Krigspropaganda og national identitet i amerikansk film: Why We Fight og American Sniper,” in Magnussen, A, Sinclair, C., and Sylvest. C. (eds), Visuel historie: Tilgange og eksempler. University Press of Southern Denmark, 2018, pp. 219-233.


T Æ Bjerre, “From Warrior Heroes to Vulnerable Boys: Debunking ‘Soldierly Masculinity’ in Tim Hetherington's Infidel Photos,” in Engberg-Pedersen, A. & Maurer, K. (eds.),Visualizing War: Emotions, Technologies, Communities. Routledge, 2017, pp. 146-164.


T Æ Bjerre, “‘Let me see your war face’: Amerikaniseringen af Danmarks nye krig i film og litteratur.” Økonomi og Politik 90.1 (2017): 64-72.


T Æ Bjerre, “Authenticity and War Junkies: Making the Iraq War Real in Films and TV Series,” Journal of War and Culture Studies 4.2 (2011): 223-234.


LinkedIn: Thomas Ærvold Bjerre