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Center for War Studies

Ingvild Bode

Director of Center for War Studies, Professor
Department of Political Science and Public Management

Phone: +45 65 50 41 28

Research areas
Military Artificial Intelligence
International norms
Practice theories
Use of force
United Nations peacekeeping
Leadership and individual agency

Funded projects
AUTONORMS. Transforming Norm Research through Practices: Weaponised AI, Norms, and Order. Principal Investigator. August 2020-July 2025. European Research Council. Project website

Lethal Autonomous Weapons and International Norms. Principal Investigator. February 2018-July 2021. Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

Selected publications

2024. Bode, Ingvild. "Emergent Normativity: Communities of Practice, Technology, and Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems"Global Studies Quarterly 4(1)

2023. Bode, Ingvild. “Practice-Based and Public-Deliberative Normativity: Retaining Human Control over the Use of Force.” European Journal of International Relations 29(4), 990-1016, 

2023. Bode, Ingvild, and Tom Watts. Loitering Munitions and Unpredictability: Autonomy in Weapon Systems and Challenges to Human Control. Odense, London: SDU Center for War Studies, Royal Holloway Centre for International Security. 


2021. Meaning-less Human Control. Lessons from Air Defence Systems on Meaningful Human Control for the Debate on AWS. Policy report co-published by Drone Wars UK and the Centre for War Studies (CWS), February 2021. With Tom Watts.

2019. “Implementation in Practice: The Use of Force to Protect Civilians in UN Peacekeeping.” European Journal of International Relations 25 (2), 458-485. Co-authored with John Karlsrud.

2018. “Autonomous Weapons Systems and Changing Norms”. Review of International Studies 44 (3), 393-413. Co-authored with Hendrik Huelss.

2018. ‘Reflective Practices at the Security Council: Children and Armed Conflict and the Three United Nations.’ European Journal of International Relations 24(2), 293-318.

2014. Governing the Use-of-Force in International Relations: The Post-9/11 US Challenge to International Law. (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan). Co-authored with Aiden Warren.

Twitter: @IngvildBode
LinkedIn: Dr Ingvild Bode