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Center for War Studies

Anders Engberg-Pedersen

Department of Culture and Language

Phone: +45 53 44 07 71

Research areas
War and Literature
War and Aesthetics
War and the History of Knowledge
War and Cartography
War and Media


Funded projects

PI: War and Aesthetics (Carlsberg Foundation – 2016-2021)

PI: The Aesthetics of Late Modern War (Velux Foundations – 2017-2022)

Director: Nordic Humanities Center for Challenge-Based Inquiry” (AP Møllerske Støttefond – 2023-2028)


Selected publications
Engberg-Pedersen, A.(2023).Martial Aesthetics: How War Became an Art Form. Stanford University Press.


“Covid-19 and War as Metaphor” in Boundary 2 Online, April 22, 2020, metaphor/


C De Franco, A Engberg-Pedersen, M Mennecke (2019) How do wars end? A multidisciplinary enquiry, Journal of Strategic Studies 42 (7), 889-900


Empire of Chance: The Napoleonic Wars and the Disorder of Things, Cambridge, MA: HUP, 2015 


“Technologies of Experience: Harun Farocki’s ‘Serious Games’ and Military Aesthetics” in Boundary 2, (Fall 2017) 44:4, p. 155-178


“Cartographies of War: Stars Charts, Topographical Sketches, War Games” in Literature and Cartography. Theories, Histories, Genres, ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p. 411-441, 2017



Twitter: @AEngPed

LinkedIn: Anders Engberg-Pedersen