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Jordi Morató Farreras


Jordi Morató Farreras has 20 years of experience in research, education and project management, related to projects and programmes on sustainable development of water resources in cities and regions, of which the last 15 years at international level. PhD on Microbiology from Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and coordinator of the Sustainability UNESCO Chair from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya since 2008. Jordi is also one of the founder members of RECNET (, director of the UNESCOSOST offices ( and COO/Executive Director of RESURBE Program. His primary research focus is in the field of water quality, appropriate technologies for water potabilization and wastewater treatment, sustainable water management including the water management and the adaptation to climate change, resilience, urban and socio-ecological transformation projects.

Jordi has participated in more than 80 international funded research and training programmes (1996-2015), utilising his expertise in the environmental area, including stages, courses, seminars, workshops, direction of PhD and Master thesis, assessment, and others, especially for Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Perú, Cabo Verde, Senegal, UK and USA. During the last 7 years Jordi’s activities have concentrated on the knowledge transfer focused in the articulation of urban transformation processes, like the Moravia Project in Medellin (2006-2014), the Altos de la Estancia Project (2013-2014) and the Cordillera project (2015) with the District Agency for Risk Management (IDIGER) from the City of Bogota. Jordi is associate member of the Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments from the University of Bradford, is consultant for the Agencia de Andalucía and the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP) in Spain and for the INCT Program (National Institutes of Science and Technology) from the CNPQ in Brazil. At the same time. Jordi is also reviewer from 22 international journals.