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Julia Bronnmann

Associated Professor
Department of Business and Sustainability


Dr. Julia Bronnmann is Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics and Management. Her research focuses on investigating various aspects of the food value chain, in particular fish products. She deals with sustainability issues along the value chain in national and international markets as well as consumer preferences and behavior. In addition, she has extensive expertise in environmental valuation and discrete choice modeling. Her research is based on advanced empirical bioeconomic methods to address socially relevant questions of economic efficiency and sustainability of value chains. Her work fosters solution-oriented research through international collaboration and transdisciplinary approaches. Julia Bronnmann earned her doctoral degree from Kiel University in May 2016, specializing in Agricultural Economics. Following this, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Kiel University's Department of Economics and the German Centre for Biodiversity Economics (iDiv), affiliated with Halle-Jena-Leipzig and Leipzig University. She expanded her international experience through research visits to Norway and the USA before starting her current position at SDU in 2020.