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Centre for Human Interactivity


Producing high-quality research at the highest level of excellence is a hallmark of CHI. Since the founding of the Centre in 2012, we have been involved in the creation of many articles, books, and special issues. In this section, we list all publications published by past and present members of CHI in the period 2012-2020.


Schiepek, G., Schöller, H., de Felice, G., Steffensen, S. V., Bloch, M. S., Fartacek, C., Aichhorn, W., & Viol, K. (2020). Convergent Validation of Methods for the Identification of Psychotherapeutic Phase Transitions in Time Series of Empirical and Model Systems. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, [1970].
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Trasmundi, S. B., Bygum, A., Baagøe Christensen, M., & Steffensen, S. V. (2020). Den menneskelige faktor: De kognitive aspekter af lægefejl. Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis, (April), 283-291.
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Trasmundi, S. B., & Philipsen, J. S. (2020). Embodiments and co-actions: The function of trust and re-enactment in the practice of psychotherapy. Cognitive Semiotics.
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Trasmundi, S. B. (2020). Errors and Interaction: A cognitive ethnography of emergency medicine. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
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Wiltshire, T., Philipsen, J. S., Trasmundi, S. B., Jensen, T. W., & Steffensen, S. V. (2020). Interpersonal coordination dynamics in psychotherapy: A systematic review. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, 752-773.
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Wieder, G., & Wiltshire, T. J. (2020). Investigating coregulation of emotional arousal during exposure-based CBT using vocal encoding and actor-partner interdependence models. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67(3), 337-348.
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Cowley, S. J. (2020). Living and Languaging Are Self-Fabrication: Open peer commentary on the article “A Critique of Barbieri’s Code Biology” by Alexander V. Kravchenko. Constructivist Foundations, 15(2), 135-137.
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Loaiza, J. M., Trasmundi, S. B., & Steffensen, S. V. (2020). Multiscalar Temporality in Human Behaviour: A Case Study of Constraint Interdependence in Psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, [1685]
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Trasmundi, S. B., Skaalum Bloch, M., S. Høgenhaug, S., T. Jensen, V., K. Wrist, K., Jensen, T. W., & Steffensen, S. V. (2020). Patient Psychopathology and the Management of Clinical Dilemmas in Psychotherapy: A Qualitative Analysis of Clinical Decision-Making. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 10(1), 29-42.
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Worsøe, L. B., & Jensen, T. W. (2020). Questioning questions in psychotherapeutic practice: The dialogical dynamics of change in therapy through clients questioning therapists. Scandinavian Studies in Language, 11(1), 279-317.
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Trasmundi, S. B., & Cowley, S. J. (2020). Reading: How Readers Beget Imagining. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, [531682].
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Li, J., Steffensen, S. V., & Huang, G. (2020). Rethinking ecolinguistics from a distributed language perspective. Language Sciences, 80, [101277].
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Cowley, S. J., & Kuhle, A. (2020). The rise of languaging. BioSystems, 198, [104264].
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Cowley, S., & Markos, A. (2019). Evolution, lineages and human language. Language Sciences, 71, 8-18.
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Philipsen, J. S., & Trasmundi, S. B. (2019). Gesture reuse as distributed embodied cognition. Gesture, 18(1), 1-30.
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Secchi, D., & Cowley, S. (2019). Improbable fairness: Reviewing under the lenses of Impact Factor. RASK – International Journal of Language and Communication, 50, 191-209.
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Worsøe, L. B. (2019). Insights through interactivity: Learning as interactivity in the ecological niche of supervision in higher education.

Steffensen, S. V., & Trasmundi, S. B. (2019). Interactivity, Learning and Creativity: From interaction to co-action in higher education.

Gahrn-Andersen, R., Johannessen, C. M., Harvey, M., Simonsen, L. M., Trasmundi, S. B., Marchetti, E., Worsøe, L. B., Fester-Seeger, M-T., Lebahn, M., & Steffensen, S. V. (2019). Interactivity: Why, What and How? RASK – International Journal of Language and Communication, 50, 113-136.
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Cowley, S. J. (2019). Languaging evolved: A distributed perspective. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 15(4), 461-482.
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Jensen, T. W., Steen Høgenhaug, S., Skaalum Bloch, M., & Kjølbye, M. (2019). Mentalizing bodies: Exploring the line between implicit and explicit mentalizing from the perspective of embodied cognition.

Wiltshire, T. J., Steffensen, S. V., & Fiore, S. M. (2019). Multiscale movement coordination dynamics in collaborative team problem solving. Applied Ergonomics, 79, 143-151.
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Cowley, S., & Gahrn-Andersen, R. (red.) (2019). Simplexity, agency and language: Special Issue of Language Sciences. Elsevier. Language Sciences, Vol. 71.
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Cowley, S., & Gahrn-Andersen, R. (2019). Simplexity, languages and human languaging. Language Sciences, 71, 4-7.
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Trasmundi, S. B. (2019). Skilled Embodiment in Emergency Medicine: The “interactivity turn” and its implication for theory and practice. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 15(4), 627-651.
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Worsøe, L. B. (2019). The interactivity of silence in psychotherapy: Pauses as collaborative actions.

Cowley, S. J. (2019). The Return of Languaging: Toward a new ecolinguistics. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 15(4), 483–512.
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Lyby, M. S., Mehlsen, M., Jensen, A. B., Bovbjerg, D. H., Philipsen, J. S., & Wallot, S. (2019). Use of Recurrence Quantification Analysis to Examine Associations Between Changes in Text Structure Across an Expressive Writing Intervention and Reductions in Distress Symptoms in Women With Breast Cancer. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 5, [37].
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Cowley, S. J. (2019). Wide coding: Tetris, Morse and, perhaps, language. BioSystems, 185, [104025].
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Jensen, T. W., Trasmundi, S. B., Bloch, M. S., & Steffensen, S. V. (2019). “You know it, how I feel, I mean you just did it”: The emergence of we-ness through re-enactment in psychotherapy. Cognitive Semiotics, 12(2).
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Trasmundi, S. B., & Harvey, M. I. (2018). A Blended Quantitative-Etnographic Method for Describing Vocal Sonifiction in Dance Coaching. Psychology of Language and Communication, 22(1), 198-229.
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Steffensen, S. V., & Vallée-Tourangeau, F. (2018). An ecological perspective on insight problem solving. In F. Vallee-Tourangeau (red.), Insight: On the Origins of New Ideas (pp. 169-190). Routledge. Current issues in Thinking and Reasoning.
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Yang, Y., Secchi, D., & Homberg, F. (2018). Are organizational defensive routines harmful to the relationship between personality and organizational learning? Journal of Business Research, 85, 155-164.
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Fester, M-T., & Cowley, S. (2018). Breathing life into social presence: the case of texting between friends. Pragmatics and Society, 9(2), 274 –296.
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Steffensen, S. V., & Harvey, M. (2018). Ecological meaning, linguistic meaning, and interactivity. Cognitive Semiotics, 11(1), 1-21.
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Philipsen, J. S., & Jensen, L. V. (2018). How Do Signs Come To Mean? Reflections on the Goodwinian Interactional Approach to Empirical Investigations of the Human Semiotic Ecology. In D. Favareau (red.), Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodwin (pp. 355-358). University of Tartu Press. Tartu Semiotics Library, Vol. 19.

Jensen, T. W. (2018). Humor as interactional affordances: An ecological perspective on humor in social interaction. Psychology of Language and Communication, 22(1), 238-259.
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Zlatev, J., Steffensen, S. V., Harvey, M., & Kimmel, M. (2018). Introduction to the special issue “Meaning making: enactive, participatory, interactive, symbolic”. Cognitive Semiotics, 11(1), 1-6.
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Cowley, S. (2018). Life and language: Is meaning biosemiotic? Language Sciences, 67, 46-58.
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Newton, O. B., Wiltshire, T. J., & Fiore, S. M. (2018). Macrocognition in teams and metacognition: Developing instructional strategies for complex collaborative problem solving. In Research on Managing Groups and Teams (pp. 33-54). Emerald Group Publishing. Research on Managing Groups and Teams, Vol. 19.
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Secchi, D., & Cowley, S. (2018). Modeling Organizational Cognition: The Case of Impact Factor. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21(1), [13].
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Wiltshire, T., Butner, J. E., & Fiore, S. M. (2018). Problem-solving phase transitions during team collaboration. Cognitive Science, 42(1), 129–167
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Trasmundi, S. B. (2018). Sarah J White and John A Cartmill, Communication in Surgical Practice. Discourse & Communication, 12(4), 447-450.
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Johannessen, C. M. (2018). The challenge of simple graphics for multimodal studies: Articulation and time scales in Fuel Retail Logos. Visual Communication, 17(2), 163-185.
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Steffensen, S. V. (2018). The microecological grounding of language: How linguistic symbolicity extends and transforms the human ecology. In A. F. Fill, & H. Penz (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Ecolinguistics (1st ed., pp. 393-405). Routledge.
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Jensen, T. W. (2018). The world between us: The social affordances of metaphor in face-to-face interaction. RASK – International Journal for Language and Communication, 47, 45-76.
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Goodwin, C., & Philipsen, J. S., (TRANS.) (2018). Why Multimodality? Why Co-Operative Action? (transcribed by J. S. Philipsen). Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 1(2).
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Butner, J. E., Deits-Lebehn, C., Crenshaw, A. O., Wiltshire, T. J., Perry, N. S., Kent de Grey, R. G., Hogan, J. N., Smith, T. W., Baucom, K. J. W., & Baucom, B. R. W. (2017). A multivariate dynamic systems model for psychotherapy with more than one client. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64(6), 616-625.
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Keebler, J. R., Patzer, B. S., Wiltshire, T. J., & Fiore, S. M. (2017). Augmented reality systems in training. In K. G. Brown (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Training and Employee Development (pp. 278-292). Cambridge University Press.
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Gahrn-Andersen, R. (2017). Beyond Latour and Heidegger or: how to avoid conceptual gaps when clarifying human sociality. RASK – International Journal of Language and Communication, 46(Autumn), 3-18.
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Wiltshire, T., Euler, M. J., McKinney, T., & Butner, J. E. (2017). Changes in Dimensionality and Fractal Scaling Suggest Soft-Assembled Dynamics in Human EEG. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, [633].
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Cowley, S. (2017). Changing the idea of language: Nigel Love's contribution. Language Sciences (61), 43-55.

Cowley, S., & Vallee-Tourangeau, F. (Ed.) (2017). Cognition beyond the brain: Computation, interactivity and human artifice (2nd ed.). Springer.
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Cowley, S., & Vallee-Tourangeau, F. (2017). Thinking, values and meaning in changing cognitive ecologies. In Cognition beyond the brain: Interactivity, computation and human artifice (2nd ed.). Springer.
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Gahrn-Andersen, R. (2017). But language too is material! Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
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Gahrn-Andersen, R. (2017). Diachrony in Human Cognition and Problem Solving. Constructivist Foundations, 13(1), 709-710.

Gahrn-Andersen, R. (2017). En fænomenologisk undersøgelse af den epistemologiske mulighedsbetingelse for social fælleshed. (Ph.D. dissertation). Odense: University of Southern Denmark.

Gahrn-Andersen, R. (2017).  Experience, Poetry and Truth: On the phenomenology of Ernst Jünger’s The Adventurous Heart. Phainomena, 100-101, 61-74.
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Gahrn-Andersen, R., & Cowley, S. (2017). Phenomenology & Sociality: How Extended Normative Perturbations Give Rise to Social Agency. Intellectica, (67), 379-398.
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Jensen Schleiter, A., Secchi, D., & Jensen, T. W. (2017). Distributed cognition and strategy-as-practice:: The case of de-coupling in a business meeting. Organization Studies.
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Jensen, T. W. (2017). Doing metaphor: An ecological perspective on metaphoricity in discourse. In B. Hampe (Ed.), Metaphor: Embodied cognition to discourse Cambridge University Press.
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Jensen, T. W. (2017).  Humor as interactional coordination: An ecological perspective. Psychology of Language and Communication.

Johannessen, C. M. (2017). The challenge of simple graphics for multimodal studies: Articulation and time scales in Fuel Retail Logos. Visual Communication.

Johannessen, C. M. (2017). Experiential meaning potential in the Topaz Energy logo: a framework for graphemic and graphetic analysis of graphic logo design. Social Semiotics, 27(1), 1-20.

Secchi, D., & Cowley, S. (2017).  Impact factor and science: a simulation model. Abstract from Peer review: old challenges and new advances, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Steffensen, S. V., Fowler, C., & Trousdale, G. (2017). Language Sciences: Half a century on the linguistic frontiers. Language Sciences, 59, A1-A4.
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Steffensen, S. V., & Kramsch, C. (2017). The Ecology of Second Language Acquisition and Socialization. In P. A. Duff, & S. May (Eds.), Language Socialization (3rd ed.). Springer.
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Wiltshire, T., & Steffensen, S. V. (2017). Examining Multiscale Movement Coordination in Collaborative Problem Solving. In 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2017): Computational Foundations of Cognition (Vol. 1, pp. 1345-1350).

Worsøe, L. B. (2017). How do we get to know a new word? The social establishment of novel words as part of their creation. In D. Duncker, & B. Perregaard (Eds.), Creativity and Continuity: Perspectives on the Dynamics of Language Conventionalisation (Chapter 13, pp. 307-331). Copenhagen: U Press.

Cowley, S. (2016). Biological Simplexity and Linguistic Cognition. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 12(1), 67-91.
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Cowley, S. (2016). Cognition Beyond the Body: Using ABM to Explore Cultural Ecosystems. In D. Secchi & M. Neumann (Eds.), Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior: New Frontiers of Social Science Research (pp. 43-60). Cham: Springer.
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Cowley, S. (2016). Entrenchment: A view from radical embodied cognitive science. In H-J. Schmid (Ed.), Entrenchment and the Psychology of Language Learning: How We Reorganize and Adapt Linguistic Knowledge (pp. 409-432). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
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Cowley, S. (2016). Либерализация языка: взгляд из России. Когнитивные исследования языка, 408-423.

Cowley, S. & Harvey, M. (2016). The illusion of common ground. New Ideas in Psychology, 42, 55-63.
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Fill, A. & Steffensen, S. V. (2016). 论语言的社会文化生态与认知生态. Poyanghu Xuekan, 4, 11-18.

Fill, A., Steffensen, S. V., & Wen-juan, Z. (2016). 语言的符号生态与自然生态. Yinshan Academic Journal (Social Science Edition), 3, 57-62.

Gahrn-Andersen, R. & Harvey, M. (2016). Phenomenological Teleology and Human Interactivity. Constructivist Foundations, 11(2), 224-226.
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Harvey, M., Gahrn-Andersen, R., & Steffensen, S. V. (2016). Explanatory Pluralism and Precise Conceptual Development. Constructivist Foundations, 11(2), 254-264.
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Harvey, M., Gahrn-Andersen, R., & Steffensen, S. V. (2016). Interactivity and Enaction in Human Cognition. Constructivist Foundations, 11(2), 234-245.
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Herath, D., Secchi, D., & Homberg, F. (2015). Simulating the effects of disorganisation on employee goal setting and task performance. In D. Secchi & M. Neumann (Eds.), Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior. New Frontiers of Social Science Research (pp. 63-84). New York: Springer.

Jensen, T. W. (2016). Forord. NyS 50: Ny kognitiv sprogforskning. NyS: Nydanske Sprogstudier, 1(50), 7-12.
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Jensen, T. W. (2016). Metaforicitet: Et kognitivt, økologisk perspektiv på metaforbrug i sproglig interaktion. NyS: Nydanske Sprogstudier, 50, 120-150.

Jensen, T. W. & Pedersen, S. B. (2016). Affect and affordances: The role of action and emotion in social interaction. Cognitive Semiotics, 9(1), 79-103.
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Johannessen, C. M. (2016). Experiential meaning potential in the Topaz Energy logo. A framework for graphemic and graphetic analysis of graphic logo design. Social Semiotics, 27(1), 1-20.
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Neumann, M. & Secchi, D. (2016). Exploring the new frontier: Computational studies of organizational behavior. In D. Secchi & M. Neumann (Eds.), Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior. New Frontiers of Social Science Research (pp. 1-16). New York: Springer.
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Neumann, M. & Cowley, S. (2016). Modeling Social Agency Using Diachronic Cognition: Learning from the Mafia. In D. Secchi & M. Neumann (Eds.), Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior: New Frontiers of Social Science Research (pp. 289-310). New York: Springer.
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Secchi, D. (2016). Boundary conditions for the emergence of docility: An agent-based model and simulation. In D. Secchi & M. Neumann (Eds.), Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior. New Frontiers of Social Science Research (pp. 175-200). New York: Springer.
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Secchi, D. & Cowley, S. (2016). Organisational Cognition: What It Is and How It Works. In EURAM Conference Proceedings, European Academy of Management.

Secchi, D. & Gullekson, N. (2016). Individual and organizational conditions for the emergence and evolution of bandwagons. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 22(1), 88- 133.
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Secchi, D. & Neumann, M., (Eds.). (2016). Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior. New Frontiers of Social Science Research. New York: Springer.
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Steffensen, S. V. (2016). Cognitive probatonics: Towards an ecological psychology of cognitive particulars. New Ideas in Psychology, 42, 29-38.
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Steffensen, S. V., Vallée-Tourangeau, F., & Vallée-Tourangeau, G. (2016). Cognitive Events in a Problem-solving Task: A Qualitative Method for Investigating Interactivity in the 17 Animals Problem. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28(1), 79-105.
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Trasmundi, S. B. (2016). Distribueret kognition og distribueret sprog: Analyse af kognitive events i en akutmedicinsk social praksis. NyS: Nydanske Sprogstudier, 50, 55–85.
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Trasmundi, S. B. & Steffensen, S. V. (2016). Meaning emergence in the ecology of dialogical systems. Psychology of Language and Communication, 20(2), 154-181.
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Acharyya, M. & Secchi, D. (2015). The Geneva Association: Getting students into the insurance profession. Asia Insurance Review, February, 70-71.

Cowley, S. (2015). How peer-review constrains cognition: On the frontline in the knowledge sector. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-15.
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Cowley, S. & Gahrn-Andersen, R. (2015). Deflating Autonomy: Human Interactivity in the Emerging Social World. Intellectica, 49-63.
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Cowley, S. & Steffensen, S. V. (2015). Coordination in language: Temporality and time-ranging. Interaction Studies, 16(3), 474-494.
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Jensen, T. W. (2015). Sprog, forståelse og handling [Review of the book Forståelsens Psykologi, by C. Fogtman]. NyS: Nydanske Sprogstudier, 48, 164-172.
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Mendis, D. & Secchi, D. (2015). A legal and empirical study of 3D printing online platforms and analysis of user behavior (Report No. 1). London: Intellectual Property Office.
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Secchi, D. (2015). A case for agent-based model in organizational behavior and team research. Team Performance Management, 21(1/2), 37-50.
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Secchi, D. (2015). Afterword. Computational social simulation: The opportunities ahead. In E. Mollona (Ed.), Computer Simulation in Social Sciences: A Logic of Enquiry. Naples: Editoriale Scientica.
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Secchi, D., Bui, T. M. H., & Gamroth, K. (2015). Involuntary wellness programs: The case of a large US company. Evidence-Based Human Resource Management, 3(1), 2-24.
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Steffensen, S. V. (2015). Distributed Language and Dialogism: Notes on non-locality, sense making and interactivity. Language Sciences, 50, 105-119.
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Stern, N., Guédon, J. C., & Jensen, T. W. (2015). Crystals of Knowledge Production: An Intercontinental Conversation about Open Science and the Humanities. Nordic Perspectives on Open Science, 1, 1-24.
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Trasmundi, S. B. (2015). The Cognitive Ecology of Human Errors in Emergency Medicine: An Interactivity Based Approach (Ph.D. dissertation). Odense: University of Southern Denmark.

Vallée-Tourangeau, F., Steffensen, S. V., Vallée-Tourangeau, G., & Makri, A. (2015). Insight and cognitive ecosystems. In D. C. Noelle, R. Dale, A. S. Warlaumont, J. Yoshimi, T. Matlock, C. D. Jennings, & P. P. Maglio (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2457-2462). Austin: Cognitive Science Society.
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Velmezova, E., Kull, K. & Cowley, S. (Eds.). (2015). Biosemiotic perspectives on language and linguistics. Cham: Springer.
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Cowley, S. (2014). Bio-ecology and language: A necessary unity. Language Sciences, 41(Pt. A), 60-70.
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Cowley, S. (2014). Human Language and Sensorimotor Contingency. In J. M. Bishop & A. O. Martin (Eds.), Contemporary Sensorimotor Theory (pp. 235-251). Cham: Springer.
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Cowley, S. (2014). The Integration Problem: Interlacing Language, Action and Perception. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 21(1-2), 53-65.
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Cowley, S. (2014). Linguistic embodiment and verbal constraints: human cognition and the scales of time. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-11.
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Cowley, S. (2014). Social systems: unearthing the big picture. Constructivist Foundations, 9(2), 179-181.
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Cowley, S. (2014). Time and Temporality: Linguistic Distribution in Human Life-games. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 21(1-2), 172-185.
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Cowley, S. (2015). Verbal patterns: taming cognitive biology. In E. Velmezova, K. Kull, & S. Cowley (Eds.), Biosemiotic perspectives on language and linguistics (pp. 123-150). Cham: Springer.
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Jensen, T. W. (2014). Kognition og kognitivisme. In F. Collin & S. Køppe (Eds.), Humanistisk videnskabsteori (3rd ed., pp. 379-416). Copenhagen: Lindhardt & Ringhof.

Johannessen, C. M. (2014). A Multimodal Social Semiotic Approach to ‘Shape’ in the Forensic Analysis of Trademarks. In A. Wagner & R. Sherwin (Eds.), Law, Culture and Visual Studies (pp. 283- 307). Berlin: Springer.
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Fill, A. & Steffensen, S. V. (2014). Editorial: The ecology of language and the ecology of science. Language Sciences, 41(Pt. A), 1-5.
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Madsen, J. K. & Cowley, S. (2014). Foreword: Cognition, Language and the Scales of Time [Special Issue]. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 21(1-2), 5-10.
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Madsen, J. K. & Cowley, S. (2014). Living Subjectivity: Time Scales, Language, and the Fluidity of the Self. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 21(1-2), 11-22.
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Jensen, T. W. (2014). Emotion in languaging: Language and emotion as affective, adaptive and flexible behavior in social interaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 5
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Jensen, T. W. & Cuffari, E. C. (2014). Doubleness in experience: Towards a distributed enactive approach to metaphoricity. Metaphor and Symbol, 29(4), 278–297.
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Jensen, T. W. & Cuffari, E. C. (2014). Living Bodies: Co-enacting Experience. In C. Müller, A. Cienki, E. Fricke, D. McNeill, S. Ladewig, & J. Bressem (Eds.), Body - Language - Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction (pp. 2016-2025). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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 Pedersen, S. B. & Steffensen, S. V. (2014). Temporal Dynamics in Medical Visual Systems. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 21(1-2), 143-157.
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Secchi, D. & Jensen Schleiter, A. (2014). Socially distributed cognitive resources in organizations. Paper presented at Second International Conference on Interactivity, Language and Cognition, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Steffensen, S. V. & Fill, A. (Eds.). (2014). Ecolinguistics: The ecology of language and the ecology of science [Special Issue]. Language Sciences, 41(Pt. A).
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Steffensen, S. V. & Fill, A. (2014). Ecolinguistics: The state of the art and future horizons. Language Sciences, 41(Pt. A), 6-25.
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Steffensen, S. V. & Pedersen, S. B. (2014). Temporal Dynamics in Human Interaction. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 21(1-2), 80-97.
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Steffensen, S. V., Uryu, M. & Kramsch, C. (2014). The ecology of intercultural interaction: Timescales, temporal ranges and identity dynamics. Language Sciences, 41(Pt. A), 41-59.
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Breunig, S. (2013). Concepts for reflection and problem-solving: A perspective on Carl Bache's metalanguage for language description and 'videnskab'. RASK – International Journal of Language and Communication, 38, 133-144.
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Cowley, S. (2013). Naturalizing language: human appraisal and (quasi) technology. AI & Society, 28(4), 443-453.
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Cowley, S. & Nash, L. (2013). Language, interactivity and solution probing: Repetition without repetition. Adaptive Behavior, 21(3), 187-198.
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Cowley, S. & Vallée-Tourangeau, F. (2013). System Cognition: Human Artifice in Life and Language. In S. Cowley & F. Vallée-Tourangeau (Eds.), Cognition Beyond the Brain. Computation, Interactivity and Human Artifice (pp. 255-273). London: Springer.
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Cowley, S. & Vallée-Tourangeau, F. (Eds.). (2013). Cognition Beyond the Brain. Computation, Interactivity and Human Artifice. London: Springer.
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Johannessen, C. M. (2013). A Corpus-Based Approach to Danish Toilet Signs. RASK – International Journal of Language and Communication, 39, 149-183.

Millar, S. L., Cifuentes, S., & Jensen Schleiter, A. (2013). A social representational perspective on languages and their management in the Danish Corporate Sector. In A. C. Berthoud, F. Grin, & G. Lüdi (Eds.), Exploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism (pp. 101-120). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
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Neumann, M. & Cowley, S.(2013). Human Agency and the Resources of Reason. In S. Cowley & F. Vallée-Tourangeau (Eds.), Cognition Beyond the Brain. Computation, Interactivity and Human Artifice (pp. 13-30). London: Springer.
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Smedegaard, F. (2013). Organisationer som leksikogrammatik. RASK, 38, 407-424.

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Last Updated 05.08.2024