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Centre for Human Interactivity

Embodied Interaction II


Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Jürgen Streeck (University of Texas at Austin)
Prof. Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen)

Living bodies animate their world by engaging with it, by co-acting in it, and by drawing on multiple bodily and inter-bodily resources. Central to investigations of such aspects of human life are the workings and phenomena of how our bodies and, as a particular organ of sensing and meaning-makings: our hands engage with objects, artifacts, and other people. The second symposium on Embodied Interaction presents two days of scholars and talks that seek to investigate and progress our understandings of such aspects of human interactivity. The symposium presents scholars from a diverse interdisciplinary field of Cognitive Ethnography, Multimodal Interaction Analysis, Gesture-studies, Philosophy, Cognitive Psychology, Sociology and Education Science.

Jürgen Streeck (The University of Texas at Austin)
Title: ”Pandora’s Touch”

The ‘body turn’ in conversation analysis and related fields has led various of its participants on fascinating intellectual journeys into the human body, its intelligence, feelings, and worldmaking capacities. Witnessing how hand-gestures—originally conceived simply as ‘bodily turn components’—sometimes originate in observable bodily sensations and actions and thus enfold situated, personal experiences led this author to study up on the human hand, its evolution and diverse sensory and enactive abilities—notably that of making—, and thus to a revised understanding of the body at the center of ‘embodied communication’.

Dan Zahavi (Copenhagen Univerisity, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Title: ”Extended Minds and Shared Emotions”

In my talk, I will investigate the relationship between emotional sharing and the extended mind hypothesis. I will explore the suggestion that shared emotions are socially extended emotions that involve a specific type of constitutive integration between the participating individuals’ emotional experiences. In doing so, I will critically assess a couple of recent proposals by Krueger and Schmid that both draw inspiration from classical phenomenology, and propose my own alternative account.


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On behalf of the organising committee,
Sarah Bro Trasmundi & Johanne S. Philipsen

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Last Updated 05.08.2024