Trauma-focused model for treatment of children exposed to abuse
VIVE has evaluated a trauma-focused treatment model that will be implemented throughout Denmark.
The Danish Centre for Social Research and Analysis, VIVE, has evaluated the treatment method Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT) for children in Børnehus Syd. The evaluation showed a reduction in PTSD, depression and improved well-being in the children. The National Centre for Psychotraumatology assisted VIVE with expert assistance in conducting the evaluation. It has been decided that the treatment model will be rolled out to all the country's Children's Centres. Read more about the treatment model and VIVE's evaluation in Danish here.
The National Centre for Psychotraumatology investigates the prevalence of PTSD in children and the validation of assessment instruments. Our own Odense Child Trauma Screening (OCTS) test is used in Children's Centres across the country to screen for PTSD. Read more here about our research of children and the Odense Child Trauma Screening (OCTS) test.