The 15th ESTSS conference consisted of 330 interesting, trauma related presentations from around the world. Unfortunately, due to the high number of presentations, it was impossible for the guests to attend every presentation.
Ph.D.-students from the National Centre for Psychotraumatology attended numerous presentations and have selected some of those that were particularly interesting. As a guest on our website, you have the possibility of exploring these presentations, either through power point-files or through beta versions of the articles. You can access these by clicking the pictures below.
Below, the presentations are listed in alphabetical order by first name. Furthermore, the title of the presentation and the number given in the abstract book can be seen for each presentation.
Selected items from the conference
Arend Groot
Children bereaved by parental intimate partner homicide: Factors Associated with visiting the incarcerated perpetrator.
Benjamin E. Saunders
Is community collaboration associated with reduced barriers and increased use of evidence-based trauma treatments with children?
Brett McDermott
A Stepped Care response to a natural disaster: A worked example
Chris Brewin
An overview of the Emerging Evidence on PTSD in ICD-11
Dean Lauterbach
Trajectories of Self-Regulation Symptomps Among Child Maltreatment Survivors
Elisa Kaltenbach
Mental Health screening in refugees: Assessing the needs of the vulnerable seeking asylum
Ethan Paschall
The Impact of Early Social Factors on Trajectories of Internalizing Behavior Problems within Maltreated Foster Care Youth.
Kjersti Arefjord
Reactions to research participation in adult samples of high risk exposure to childhood maltreatment
Mabula Nkuba
Prevalence of Different Maltreatment Types in a National Representative Sample of Tanzanian Secondary School Students
Manuel Stadtman
Why do I have to Suffer? Symptom management, views and experiences of patients with a cPTSD: A Grounded Theory
Marie Karlsson
Group Treatment for Trauma Survivors: Do they want to share their personal stories of victmization?
Mogens Christoffersen
Sexual Crime against Children With Disabilities: A nationwide prospective birth cohort-study
Mogens Christoffersen
Violent Crime against Children With Disabilities: A nationwide prospective birth cohort-study
Myriam Thoma
Successful Aging in Former Indentured Child Laborers
Robert Bering
Complementary trauma therapy: Myoreflextherapy, Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy and Posturology
Pre-conference workshop
Tim Wind
The assessment of psychopathology among refugees: Construct validity of PTSS, anxiety and depression