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Experienced development of PCK in natural science/technology – also a collegiate and material matter

Jens Jakob Ellebæk defends his PhD project ‘Oplevet udvikling af Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) i natur/teknologi’ (Experienced development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in natural science/technology) at SDU on 21 October 2021.

By Lisbet Foged, , 10/16/2021

Results from the project are based on primarily qualitative studies of science/technology teachers’ practice and their perceived development of PCK. In the project, Jens Jakob Ellebæk translates the meaning of PCK into “content-specific pedagogical knowledge and competence” (Ellebæk & Nielsen, 2016), but he also argues for retaining the international term PCK, while providing a Danish translation as “fagdidaktisk kundskab” (subject-didactic knowledge) with a view to establishing and disseminating the concept in Danish educational contexts.

The rest of the article can be read in Danish.

Meet the researcher

Jens Jakob Ellebæk is an Associate Professor at University College South Denmark, chair of the external examiners in natural science/technology at the teacher’s training programmes in Denmark and PhD student at Centre for Research in Science Education and Communication.


Editing was completed: 16.10.2021