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Christian Wolff

Position in POLIMA - Assistant Professor


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Christian Wolff studied Physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where he obtained his Diploma in Physics (2008)
and his Doctorate in Natural Sciences  (2012), working on the topic of photonic crystals under the supervision of Kurt Busch.
He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short-Pulse Spectroscopy in Berlin
(2013),  and the University of Technology Sydney (2017). He joined SDU first as a VILLUM  and MSCA Cofund postdoc, and then
as an assistant professor of Computational Physics (2019), first at the Center for Nano Optics and in 2023 at POLIMA. 
In 2024 decided to pursue adventures in industry, while maintaining connections to POLIMA.

During his employment at SDU, he worked on a huge variety of topics, including band-structure theory, stimulated Brillouin
scattering, parity-time symmetric systems and exceptional points, quantum plasmonics, polaritons in 2D materials and organic
molecules interacting with plasmonic or Mie-resonant systems, electron spectroscopy, and lithium niobate-based optical components.
He co-authored more than 40 papers, including

- Wolff, C., Busch, K., Mortensen, N.A. “Modal expansions in periodic photonic systems with material loss and dispersion,” Phys. Rev. B 97, 104203 (2018) [editor’s suggestion]
- Mortensen, N.A., Goncalves, P.A.D., Khajavikhan, M., Christodoulides, D.N., Tserkezis, C., Wolff, C., “Fluctuations and noise-limited sensing near the exceptional point of PT-symmetric resonator systems,” Optica 5, 1342 (2018)
- Wolff, C., Mortensen, N.A., “Stimulated Plasmon Polariton Scattering,” Nature Commun. 11, 4039  (2020)
- Thomaschewski, M., Zenin, V., Wolff, C., Bozhevolnyi, S., “Plasmonic monolithic lithium niobate directional coupler switches,” Nature Commun. 11, 748 (2020)
- Wolff, C., Smith, M.J.A., Stiller, B. and Poulton C.G., "Brillouin scattering—theory and experiment: tutorial," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 1243-1269 (2021) [invited tutorial]

 Christian (co-)supervised 3 PhD theses (Fedor Shuklin, Sergejs Boroviks, P. Elli Stamatopoulou), several BSc and MSc theses, and taught different courses including Computational Physics and Advanced Math.



Photo Christian Wolff