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Joel Cox

Associate Professor


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Joel Cox established his research career in quantum and nonlinear optics, electrodynamics, and condensed matter physics during graduate studies at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, where he obtained his PhD in Physics (2013). He then joined the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona as a postdoc focusing on nonlinear optics and graphene plasmonics, later becoming a Cellex ICFO-MPQ Research Fellow in Quantum Nano-Optics (2017). In 2019, he was appointed as Assistant Professor at the Center for Nano Optics and the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (D-IAS) to pursue research in 2D polariton physics. In 2020, he was awarded a Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting grant to explore nonlinear light-matter interactions driven by polaritons in atomically thin materials.

Joel Cox became an associate professor of Theoretical Quantum Nano Optics at the DNRF Center of Excellence for polariton-driven light-matter interactions (POLIMA) in 2023. He is now leading explorations of quantum and nonlinear light-matter interactions in nanostructured materials, with particular emphasis on the ability of 2D polaritons to mediate quantum electrodynamic and nonlinear optical phenomena.


Photo Joel Cox