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Christos Tserkezis

Associate Professor


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Christos Tserkezis has been an associate professor of Theoretical condensed-matter physics at POLIMA since January 2023. He studied Physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2005), where he also obtained his master's degree (2007) and PhD (2012) on the topic of Light emission and propagation in plasmonic metamaterials. He spent three years as a postdoc in the Basque Country, at the Donostia International Physics Center, before moving to Denmark in 2015, first as an H.C. Ørsted postdoc at the Technical University of Denmark, and then at SDU (2017), where, in 2019, he became an assistant professor at the Center for Nano Optics. In 2021, he obtained his Dr.Techn. degree from the Faculty of Engineering at SDU.

His research focuses on the theory of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, combining elements of classical electromagnetism, quantum physics and condensed-matter physics. Over the years, he has been interested in classical and quantum plasmonics, polaritons, nanophotonics, photonic crystals and metamaterials, Mie resonances in dielectrics, weak and strong coupling of quantum emitters, non-Hermitian photonics, chiroptical and magneto-optical effects.



Photo Christos Tserkezis