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Centre for Learning Computational Thinking


The centre is organized with a steering committee which consists of the two heads of department at respectively IDK and IMADA, Dean Simon Torp and Michael E. Caspersen, director of IT-vest and Kamilla Roost, Education Sector Denmark, Microsoft.


The centre is located at SDU Kolding and lead by Nina Bonderup Dohn. The structure is flexible and therefore the centre draws on resources across research groups and across departments and faculties. 


Center leader Nina Bonderup Dohn is currently on a 6 months research visit as Visiting Scholar at the Embodied Design Research Laboratory (EDRL), UC Berkeley. Here, she collaborates with Director, Professor Dor Abrahamson, on the role of embodied cognition in learning and performing CT. EDRL is a design-based research lab investigating embodied mathematical cognition and instruction by creating and evaluating theory-driven educational innovation using both traditional and novel media. The outset for the visit is the projectDesigning for situated computational thinking with computational thingsThis project focuses on conceptualizing CT as situated and supporting the learning of CT with tangible objects and embodied learning, in different academic disciplines.


Centre Leader and primary contact person

Nina Bonderup Dohn

Professor in Learning and IT

Department of Design and Communication

Tel: 65 50 13 46

Last Updated 01.03.2023