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Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment (CUHRE)
The purpose of the reading circle is to read and discuss international research articles within the field of green didactics, environmental education and ecoliteracy. The reading circle is aimed at researchers with an interest in this area. Teachers, educators, and others experimenting with and/or participating in research and development projects related to green didactics, environmental education and ecoliteracy are also welcome. We typically meet online via Zoom for about one and a half hours each time, approximately 3-4 times per semester (half-year). As a member, you will receive the text for the session well in advance. If you have suggestions for texts, these should be sent to Tobias and Michael. Additional events in the reading circle will be announced if they occur. If you have any questions about the reading circle, please contact Tobias and Michael.
Managed by (University of Copenhagen) and (University of Southern Denmark).
If you would like to be part of the reading circle, send an email to

Past events:
Spring 2023:
20/3: "Ecological Literacy" from David Orr's "Ecological Literacy – Education and transition to a postmodern world" (1992).
25/4 "New vintages and new bottles: The “Nature” of environmental education from new material feminist and ecofeminist viewpoints" by Annette Gough & Hilary Whitehouse (2018).
26/6 "Traditions and New Niches: An Overview of Environmental Education Curriculum and Learning Research" by Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, John Fien, and Mphemelang Ketlhoilwe (2013).

Fall 2023:
25/9: "Ecological Literacy" from Fritjof Capra's "The Web of Life" (1996).
27/10, 14:30-16:00 "Seeds of Resistance: Towards a Revolutionary Critical Ecopedagogy" by Peter McLaren (2013).
30/11, 14:30-16:00 "Planetarianism now: On anticipatory imagination, young people’s literature, and hope for the planet." by Marek Oziewicz (2022).

Last Updated 27.07.2024