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Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment (CUHRE)

Postponed indefinitely. Invitation to CUHRE International Seminar II on Philosophical perspectives on Eco-Bildung

Special invited keynote: Eric S. Nelson (HKUST)

To start up the seminar with a wide perspective we have invited the renown environmental philosopher Eric S. Nelson from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Main focus of the seminar: The research seminar will discuss the essence and relevance of the Bildung-tradition with regards to being helpful (or not) today and/or in need of being rethought, reimagined and/or redone in face of the Anthropocene and the ecological crisis of today.

As a working term we propose Eco-Bildung (Ecological Bildung). What could this term mean? Why do we need or not need such a term and concept? How can and/or should (Eco)-Bildung be understood, studied and/or cultivated (in schools and elsewhere) today?

We CALL for paper presentations around this theme. We prioritize good time for dialogues, and also include outdoor activities.


Organized by Søren Harnow Klausen and Michal Paulsen.

Sponsored by CUHRE (Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment) at SDU and TEN (Time, Existence and Nature) at AAU.


Editing was completed: 05.09.2024